Suicidal Atsushi & Mori - One Shot

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(There are many people's perspectives/POV's on this so you kinda have to guess when it starts lol gl)

// Atsushi's suicidal and tries to commit but Mori saves him, also, Good Mori AU \\







Third Person POV:

Atsushi Nakajima was a boy, no, a were-tiger in the Armed Detective Agency. No one ever suspected him of becoming suicidal, nor do they know anything about him being suicidal. Ranpo has a slight suspicion because Dazai is his mentor and Atsushi might take from him, being his subordinate and all. Ranpo doesn't have too many clues so he doesn't quite know yet but he still has his skepticism and suspicions.

Atsushi had experienced hallucinations before, they weren't normal for ordinary people though. But what does the ADA know about being ordinary or normal? They 'all' were gifted, minus Ranpo. Yet, every gifted person always had some screw loose in their noggins. 

Previously, the hallucinations that Atsushi experienced were not too violent, just simply impetuous, verbally. But now the hallucinations were getting to the point where they would manipulate him and mess with his brain, even managing to become physical. The headmaster would touch him in uncanny ways, every touch was more stingy and uncanny than the next. Then something hit him, an epiphany. He understood why the headmaster had done everything, all listed down in his memory now.

1.) The headmaster was a literal pedo. (No qualms about it)

2.) Atsushi's ability. (Basically, the main reason.)

3.) The uncanny ways of teaching him things. (Abuse, Child Labor, etc ;)

4.) Compensation money for dealing with a child 'personally.' (Adoption Money, but he's kinda adopted by the headmaster but not officially)

5.) Thrill.  (Bloodlust, Overuse of Power and Control)

Atsushi's epiphany had shuttered awake as he heard Kyouka open Atsushi's closet door, well they were both sleeping and Kyouka had explained rather quickly, as she wanted to go back to sleep that Atsushi was muttering and from her perspective weeping, but as she's seeing no signs of crying on his face she gets a bit more relieved.

Atsushi thanks her for being concerned but reassures her that it's fine and he simply had a nightmare, nothing more. Kyouka gave him one quick look and then nodded. She closed his closet and she went back to sleep in a breeze even though she had an apprehensive feeling, she ignored it and slept quite peacefully.

The next morning, Atsushi and Kyouka arrived at the Armed Detective Agency's building after they ate breakfast. They arrived at the second floor of the building but Atsushi told Kyouka that he had forgotten something at the dorm. Kyouka nods reluctantly. She believes that something big might happen but she refuses to listen to her gut.

"The head may err, but never the blood." says ???. It was a woman with a pink kimono. She spoke quickly then disappeared out of Kyouka's sight in a blitz.

"WHO ARE YOU!? Show yourself!" replies Kyouka on her guard while getting her pocket knife out ready to stab whoever followed her. She was looking around her, she was on the second floor of the Uzumaki Cafe so she also had to be careful that she didn't cause too much damage, she believed she could take the 'enemy' without Demon snow.

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