Chapter 1-A Gift that is formed from a promise

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The light of the sun clings onto the horizon of the island as dusk starts to settle. An island in the new world has just been set free from the world government by the revolutionary army. A tall man with pitch black hair and a distinct red tattoo on his left eye; named Dragon. The leader of the revolutionary army. He had heard about the suffering of the people and how cruel the government was to this island. Even threating to act on a buster call if they didn't comply, as they have kept the government on high alert for worshipping a God/goddess. The ocean goddess, Amphitrite. A goddess known for her beauty and free spirit. And these people have chosen to follow and support her as they hope that she can bring freedom to this world as she knows everything and surrounds everything. Because without her nothing would survive.

That evening the revolutionary army had decided to depart and go back to home-base except for one person, Dragon. Deciding to stay for the night as he thought he could use this opportunity to learn a bit more about the country and fill in some paperwork. So that they could continue to help this country. He would usually have left this job up to one his subordinates' that are in a higher rank, but for some reason he had this gut feeling that he should stay and do these things himself. He was given a small room to stay in for the night. It was nothing fancy, just a standard room with a twin-sized bed, a cupboard, and in the farthest corner from the door, a wooden desk with a lamp that could be lit with a match. The night sky was littered with stars and an unusually bright light coming from the moon through the window, but Dragon had paid no mind to it as he zoned into his paperwork, trying to finish is it quickly and as efficiently as possible so that he could get some rest that night before having to leave the island early the next morning. It was around 10minutes before midnight when he had finished with his paperwork, he let out an exhausted sigh as he straightened himself up in his chair. Looking at the schedule he had for the list of chores that he had to do that following day. When all of a sudden, a bright light had caught his eye. It looked like an orb, round and blue in colour floating off the ground. Staring at in in disbelief, Dragon rubbed his eyes thinking that he was imagining something due to the lack of sleep, when all of a sudden it starts talking to him. But it seems he could not make out its soft whispers it was making. It flew towards him and just when Dragon was about to block his face from the oncoming attack, he had notice it flying around him in circles and then, it nodded to the door. At this point Dragon had stood up, curiosity and confusion overtaking his brain as he had decided to follow this orb to wherever it was leading him.  He had finally stopped following it when he had noticed that the orb had taken him to a temple that worshipped the ocean goddess. Blinking in confusion as he had tried to make sense of the situation before him when he had noticed that the orb had disappeared. Assuming that it had just left him or went inside the temple. He decided to follow his gut and go into the temple, after walking around he found himself in the centre of a room which had in carvings on the floor which seemed to be stories of the ocean goddess, he had bend down to inspect it. He was just about to leave the spot when the floor had left under him, trying to use his devil fruit to fly out of there he had started to feel weak, struggling against the darkness that wanted to take his consciousness so badly but after fighting so hard for him to stay awake he had eventually lost to the greeting and had fallen into the abyss, unconscious. 

Waking up, he felt warm, safe even. Not realising where he was until he noticed fish swim passed him, he was about to freak out, knowing that he was now in the sea but then realised he was breathing and could breathe even after realising where he was. It was a really weird phenomenon for any normal human but more so him. As he was a devil fruit user. A voice had snapped him out his thoughts, looking around in panic and confusion to see who could be there, he noticed a figure. A woman, with long hair and seemed to be transparent but also whole at the same time, giggling at him. He stood with wide eyes, not sure what to do with this situation until it spoke. "Tell me what do you wish for?" said the figure. "Wha-at?" said Dragon not expecting the sudden question. "What do you wish for, what is your desire to do for this world?" Though already knowing the answer, she wanted to test him, to see if he has the courage to say it out loud, to a God like herself. "T-to liberate this world. To free it from the corrupted hold of the government. The suffering and pain that they cause is something that someone should ever experience." 

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