Chapter 4-A power that was once his own

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Right before they left for the bar, one of shank's crew members called out. 'Yo Captain! Should we bring it with us?' Makino and had just after shanks while he turned his head and yelled back, ' Ya we need to keep it safe after it was so hard to get!'
Makino had thought ' keep what safe?' But had decided to leave the matter, after all it was probably just the usual pirate treasure, not that she'd know the difference between the two.  Walking up to the bar Makino had decided to try and make some small talk with the pirate captain,' sooo, what bring you guys to the east blue no less?' Shanks stopped for a moment being surprised by the sudden question but quickly caught up to it,' oh well we were looking for a treasure for quite a while and it just ended up being in the east blue, so we decided to come to the nearest island to come and rest after our adventure.' He explained letting out a small smile which would look strained if you knew him but Makino didn't seem to know anything so just listened to the story accepting it as the truth. Walking into the bar the crew had settled down into whatever free seats that were available, which there were quite a few of since the bar had been closed, while Makino was out with Luffy. Shanks sat at the bar with some sake that Makino had offered him however the captain looked deep in thought while the rest of his crew was laughing and partying happily. Makino saw this and tried to get his attention.

Shanks lifted up his head to see a worried Makino, 'mmm- what's wrong Makino?'
'Oh sorry, well you were lost in thought, and I want to ask if there is anything wrong or something that I can help with?'
'Oh it is just I was wondering about something that happened earlier at the docs.'
'What happened?'
'Well... you know Luffy?'
'Something felt as if I couldn't breathe when I looked into his eyes, like there was a force I've never see or felt before...' there was a pause before he spoke again laughing a bit sadly in defeat. 'Sorry I must be out of my mind...' he looked up to Makino with a sad smile on his face. Makino frowned at this site because as far as she could tell, is that shanks was usually a very happy person with a smile always on his face. She wasn't sure what to say and even if she wanted to say the truth, she wasn't sure if she was exactly allowed to tell shanks Luffy's secret. So, she just decided to give very ordinary, open to thought answer. 'Yeah, I know what you mean...that happens to everyone Luffy meets, and we don't know why it happens...hahaha...' laughing nervously with a slightly sad expression on her face, showing that she did not truly know herself the answers. Shanks just looked at this and sighed.' Yeah...but maybe I can ask him about it?'
'I'm not too sure that'll work.' frowning a bit.
'Why do you say that Makino? 'Now getting curious to the boy, more than being worried about what he is.
'Well how I see it, he'll give you a nonsense answer or just try avoiding the question and while sweating bullets. That is what he had done when any of the villagers tried to ask him about how he knows or what he does it. So we all just gave up and just decided to trust him.'

'I see...' Shanks was puzzled and now even more curious to this boy's antics and the mystery surrounding him.' But it can't hurt to try, can it?' Shanks now gaining a little confidence in himself.

Makino looked at the red headed captain and nodded, 'no it can't, after all he does it all the time.' A smile now in the woman's face thinking about the boy's antics. ' Talking about Luffy, where is he?' Makino now looking out to the bar door frowning slightly. As night was slowly approaching.

*A couple hours ago at the docks*
Luffy had just run off away from Makino and Shanks and decided to hide behind a ship out of view from the red head crew. Watching them and waiting for something, Luffy wasn't sure what he was waiting for until one of Shank's crew was heading to the bar had taken a box with them out of the ship. Luffy's eyes locked on to the box, his eyes widening as he continued to look at the box and then suddenly a sharp pain hit Luffy as if something hit him in the soul, he stumbled back trying to contain his composure blinking to try and get his vision back, now looking back at the box unbeknownst to him his eyes turned red, not the usual red and gold but plain fiery red in his eyes, his mind gone blank, a fury filling his being. Pain that was not physical nor mental it was a pain that Luffy had never felt before, being guided by the whispers coming from inside his head, heart, and soul and some from the box, he was about to move forward to get his hands on that box at any cost. Anything that would nullify this pain, the new emptiness he felt without it was just too much for the little boy. But just before that could happened the Ocean goddess snapped him out of his thoughts. How? Well. The Ocean goddess had become a figure of sorts now a water-like woman on the surface holding her sons arm to stop him from going any further, knowing what would happen if he'd go after it now. His red eyes glowing brightly was showing that he was not in control of himself but the godly power within him wanted what they were missing in that very moment. So, she spoke to him in order to get her son back.
'Nika...' she spoke softly to her son who was still not looking at her trying to move forward not sensing that he was being held back, so she leaned forward right next to his ear for him to listen well.
'Nika...come back my son, you will get what you are missing, but you know to that it is not the time to get it will have to wait a little longer.' 'Luffy-no Nika looked at his mother now stopping to try go to get what is his, the red piercing eyes still there but tears in the corner of the boy's eyes showing that he could now hear her, but he was not speaking yet so the mother decided to get him to respond,
' Tell me what hurts know I will always do what you need and this time as well. So come back to the water, you will feel a lot better there.'
Nika looked at his mother tears now flowing down his little cheeks, the eyes returning slowly back to normal and now being able to speak a mind free of his godly overtaking and he was able to say what was bothering the little god so much, 'Why...?'
The goddess just stayed silent as Luffy spoke to her even as a huge storm approached, a big one, one of hurt and anger as the boy spoke it made his words with even more effect to it. To show his true emotions on the subject as he spoke. ' Why does it hurt so much mamma, I've never felt this pain before mamma. Why do they take apart of me away?! Did I do something wrong? Now looking at his mother. 'I can't understand this pain on myself...I need it...nothing will help me until then. But why did it not hurt earlier, why now? Tears streaming down the boy's face and his lungs chocking for the air as he asked, "P-Please help me mamma...' and with the red completely gone Luffy began to feel dizzy, his vision going black. Stumbling into his mother arms looking up to her and falling into a deep sleep as he had now been knocked out by just this experience. The Goddess looked down at the boy knowing that his power had taken over, to where he could not handle it. It was due to his young body reacting to his missing piece being right in-front of him. Feeling a terrible pain for the loss. The Goddess took the boy in her arms and went back into the water, to the deepest depths of the ocean to let her son rest. Reminding herself for when he wakes up that she'll have to talk to the boy about things like this happening and why as well as what to do if and when this'll happen again.
Luffy spent the rest of the day resting in his mother's arms regaining consciousness and strength. This has worried Makino as Luffy had not been by the bar for the rest of the day so at night she walked down to go and check for the boy, to her displeasure he was not there but she did receive a note that Luffy was just sleepy and was sleeping the whole day, which eased Makino concerns a little but not considerably, as the boy never slept that much or long but decided to go home early and come and check up on the boy in the morning. In the morning Luffy was still a little tired but sleeping the whole of yesterday had helped so in the morning when Makino had come to pick the boy up, to her delight she saw him on top of the waves again and as she came closer the boy did as well and when he was close enough to her she woke the boy up.
'Morning Luffy' said Makino with a smile plastered on her face as she could see the boy again. 'Mmm...Morning Makino'
'What's wrong, Luffy?' A frown slowly forming as she did not like to see the boy so not energetic. ', nothing is wrong I'm just a little tired after what happened yesterday.'
'Oh, and what happened yesterday?' Now getting a little concerned.'I-I...I don't want to talk about it...' pouting his mouth a little and looking down to the ground. Makino thought about what could cheer the boy up as she knew that she'd never get the boy to tell her what was wrong.
'Mmm. Hey how about I make you a really nice breakfast? And I also heard Shanks is going to be her again today.' The immediate thought that Luffy thought of is when he heard Shanks, is all the cool stories he could tell him but at the back of his mind also reminded him that they also had something he wants. But Luffy was also really hungry so the only true thought he had on his mind was, 'FOOOD!!!' With his hands in the air and started running towards the bar. Makino looked and this scene and started to laugh as she was glad to see the energy back in an energetic boy.
They had got to the bar and Makino made him a nice big breakfast, eating happily and savouring the taste. After breakfast Luffy had decided to explore the island until midday. When Luffy came the bar door his face had lit up as he saw Shanks and his crew laughing and partying in the bar. 'Ne, ne shanks tell me a story' said Luffy running through the bar and onto the stool with practical stars in his eyes. Shanks being a bit startled by the boy. ' Oh hey Luffy.' A smile forming on his face.' I didn't see you yesterday, I thought you'd come?'
'Oh...'a frown forming on the boy's face, in this confused Shanks,' Something just came up and I had to be with my mother.' Said Luffy giving a strained smile. This saddened Shank but he decided not to press any further, having a feeling that he'd not get any answers out of the boy. Deciding to cheer the boy up he decided he'd tell him a story,' Mmm would you like to hear story?' This immediately made the boy smile. 'Yes!'
So everyday Luffy would go to the bar and would hear Shank's stories of his crew and the adventures the had went on. Nothing interesting happened per say, just Shanks telling his stories to Luffy and Luffy leading Shanks around the island, telling him all the cool things and stories of his own that he'd get from his mom to tell Shanks. Shanks didn't find out about Luffy's power or heritage, but he did wonder how the boy knew things that happened in the Grand line. And how he always knew when there was a storm that was happening, he found that out by sailors coming to Luffy and asking if it was okay to go fishing or not that day, to which Luffy would respond. Shanks thought that was why the village trusted Luffy's word so much as he'd always be correct about his 'predictions'. Everything was normal until the one day he found out a fraction of Luffy's power. It was a normal day of Luffy asking Shanks for another story for him to tell, and Shanks teasing Luffy, everything was going well until some bandits came in. The Higuma bandits and their leader Higuma. Luffy as soon as they entered frowned at the sight, already knowing that they do not have good intentions. 'We are Mountain bandits, but we aren't here to cause trouble. We are here to buy some sake, 10 barrels 'outta do.' He stated proudly as if he owned the place.
'Sorry we don't have any alcohol left. 'said Makino trying to say it as nicely as possible as to not raise that situation. ' Huh? That's weird. Then what are these pirates drinking? Water.' Higuma said getting irritated but Shanks quickly perked up and said, 'Ah sorry me and my crew drank all of it but there is one bottle here left open if you want it.' The mountain bandit looked like he was about to grab it but quickly changed his hand into a fist and smashed sake all over Shanks. 'Do you know who I am, I am the bandit with the most berries here! Who do you think you are to challenge a 8thousand berried wanted man! Luffy looked at this scene with fury burning deep inside. This was his friend not only that his first friend and no one messes with his friends! Luffy was about to yell and retaliate when all of a sudden, he felt that sharp pain again and started to hear something whisper to him. He turned around, no one seeing his change in his eye colour and demeanour and that he was now staring at the box that was on his right. His eyes widening and his body shanking not out of fear but out of anticipation and excitement. How had he not noticed it before the box that was right next to him, the part of him that he was missing was right there! A almost sadistic smile formed on the boy's face as his hands reached for the treasure. He opened it and saw the fruit inside and held it in his arms. All pain that was there now gone a feeling of hope filling the boy's body as he was almost whole again, the thing that'll make him whole was in the palm of his hands, so he took it quickly and ate down to the last bite. He got a little dizzy at first but after a few seconds he was full of energy and felt whole, his eyes returning back to normal as he felt whole again. His power was pleading to take over, to find what was his anymore, now basking in that happiness but that all stopped as Luffy heard a thud on the ground and looked over to his left and saw Shanks on the ground who had been knocked down by the mountain bandits. Fury was again in Luffy as he stood up and stood in between him and Shanks acting as a wall, a shield for his friend. The bandit looked at him and asked,' pfft and what is that going to do brat? Standing in between me and him. I'll kill you in an instant for getting in my way.' Seeing the boy who looked at the floor and then looked up to the bandit and locked eyes with him when the bandit saw the boy's eyes he stepped back but was suddenly brought down to his knees by a force that he could not describe, wanting to run, to look away, to try as far away from the boy as possible but his body and his pride not showing that he was scared had a scowl on his face trying to look away but then decided to speak,' W-What do you t-think you are do-' his speech quickly caught off by the boy in front of him walking towards him and spoke two word,' LEAVE. NOW' and with that the pressure was released and the bandit go up and without thinking ran, not out of his own but out of instinct, he felt that the boy was dangerous and would have killed him in an instant if he wasn't so merciful. So did the rest of the bandits as they were also on their knees. Luffy took a deep breath as they left, his energy drained and his head a bit fuzzy but decided to ignore it and turned around and talk to shanks.' Why did you defend yourself? You could have beaten them, but you didn't!' Having a deep frown on his face, not that you didn't like helping his friends but was more just confused as to why he didn't help himself, when he could of and strong people being helpless makes him mad especially out of choice. ' It is nothing to fret over Luffy, somethings are just not worth fighting over. Plus, I didn't want to destroy the bar, and if I fought back that would have happened, but May I ask what the hell did you do to get those guys to be on their knees?' Luffy hearing the question just asked started to sweat bullets,'uuummm...I g-got to go' now trying to run away but Shanks had grabbed his arm to stop him from going. He wasn't going to press for answers, but he was going to stop Luffy from going away but Luffy didn't know this, so he was still running, and his arm didn't follow with him but instead stretched. Everyone seeing this started to freak out, lucky Roo took a piece of paper that had a drawing of a fruit on it and asked, 'Luffy did you eat this fruit?!'
'Yeah I did. Why?'
'WHAAAAAT!!' Everyone in the red-haired pirates screamed out in shock. They were shocked as no one could open that chest as the only person who could was if the fruit itself chose its owner. Shanks now sweating asked Luffy, 'Luffy do you know what you just ate?!'
'No... not really' said Luffy with a bit of panic in his voice, he was panicking because everyone was stressed and Luffy feeling that was also making him stressed. He had not really known what he ate but he knows he needed it. But it's not like that he could tell that to Shanks. Plus eating that was a little hazy to him too so he wasn't completely sure if he did. But his arm stretching proved everyone's points. Shanks frowned at Luffy's answer as he wasn't too sure how to explain to the boy.'Luffy what you just ate, is called a devil fruit. The gum-gum fruit. But in exchange for its power, you loose the ability to swim.'
'W-...what did you s-say' Luffy now close to tears. 'What? To loose the ability to swim?' Shanks was now confused as if he wasn't sure if he didn't make himself heard the first time but was also wondering why the boy looked so panicked now, as the not being able to swim is on what go him riled up. A storm had started outside, you could hear thunder and lightning in the background coming closer quite quickly, Luffy just stood shocked for a second and started stepping back slowly, 'I-I have to go check something!!' Panic completely evident in the boy's voice with a heavy storm outside now present Shanks asked, 'Luffy we're you going?' But before he could stop the boy from running into the storm, Luffy had bolted off outside. 'Luffy!' Shanks now panicked about the boy in the storm and was about to run after him, but Makino had stopped him.'M-Makino?'
'Don't go after him Shanks...he will be fine I promise.' A strained smile on Makino's face had appeared. Which had left Shanks confused but he decided to leave it for the time being and sit down with thoughts overflowing in his head, he vowed as soon as the storm passed would he go after Luffy.
*Meanwhile with Luffy*
After hearing those words alone.
'Loose the ability to swim' 'Loose the ability to swim' 'Loose the ability to swim!' That what was in Luffy's mind the whole time while running down to the shore to his mother, he was afraid of what would happen, what would his mom think! He didn't want his mom to abandon him, he can't be alone. He can't! When Luffy got to the shore the seas were raging, and the storm was heavy. He got to the water and instead of running into like usual he decided to walk up to the edge of the shore. He spoke warily, "M-mama... mamma I'm sorry are you mad at me?'
The woman formed herself into a figure in front of her child and looked at him not saying a word. Luffy can a little closer, now crying.' S-shanks said I can't swim anymore...d-does that mean I can't be with mamma anymore...?' The Goddess moved down to her son's eye level and picked him up, Luffy was shocked when his mother picked him up, thoughts still racing through him mind. 'I will never leave you my son, and for a normal person yes, it'll take away their ability to swim but for you no, as you are my blood. And that what you ate was not stolen from me, I had kept it safe for you.' The goddess finished with a smile and walked into the ocean with her son in her arms. Luffy hearing the comforting words of his mother, smiled as bright as it could be brighter than the sun,' Okay mamma!' So Luffy had now slept on the water, with the comfort of his mother. And the storm now passing by as the boy had calmed down.

Hey guys so I decided to end the chapter here as it was getting a little long, but the next chapter will be called, A promise is made and a home in home

(I have now updated this chapter =))
Word count:  3939
And thx for all the reads :)

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