Chapter 5-A promise is made, and a home within home.

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*Back with Makino and Shanks*

Shanks had stood up and just looked at what was now a ghost of a boy that was in front of him just a few seconds ago. Shanks wasn't sure how badly he had messed up, sure he had known the boy, but it wasn't like he knew everything about the boy, he clearly had a lot of secrets that he wasn't keen on sharing with anyone. Even Makino who seemed not to know everything even though she was technically his caretaker. After upsetting the boy, he wanted to run after the boy, calm him down and try explain what he'd just done, properly. However Makino had stopped him, not allowing Shanks to chase after the boy in this huge storm especially. But all Makino had told him is, "Shanks...he will be fine I promise." with a strained smile on her face, Shanks wasn't sure if he should believe Makino this time, as the boy who had just eaten a devil fruit was out in a rainstorm! And a heavy one at that. Shanks just looked at Makino and said as calmly as he could muster at the moment," How. How do you know he will be okay? The boy just ate a devil fruit, and is now out in a rainstorm which is very heavy and, water weakens them! How do you know that he won't get hurt! We need to go af-."


Shanks had stopped his rant by the woman in front of him. The woman could understand his worry but Geez! Cut her some slack, sure she wasn't happy about the situation either and was also very worried for the boy, but she had known him long enough to know that the boy would be okay. So all she had to now was to calm the person in front of her.' *sigh* Shanks, come sit down I'll get you something to drink to calm your nerves and I'll tell you some stuff about Luffy." Shanks was reluctant to follow her until he heard that he could get to know Luffy better, wanting to know how he could help the boy. Sitting down at the bar, waiting for his drink he looked around the room and had seen that it had mostly quieted down but things where slowly getting rowdy again. "Here." Shanks was a bit surprised as he had been lost in his thoughts but quickly replied with, "thx". Looking down at his cup trying to think of a question he could as Makino about the boy, but luckily, she had beaten him to it. "You know, Luffy won't be mad at you right?"

"ha. You think so?" A sad smile forming on Shanks face, showing that the red head didn't really believe her nor that he wanted to. He feels responsible for the things that had taken place in the bar that afternoon, and all he was doing was basically making the kid more and more riled up instead of helping him.'" Trust me Shanks, Luffy will not hold this against you nor do i even think that he will blame you for what has happened today." Shanks wanted to believe her but was still doubting it. "How? How do you know Makino..."

"I-i can't explain it..." A small smiling formed on her face but before Shanks could say anything she spoke," How about this, when this storm is over, we can go find Luffy together and sort it out with him to get things straight. So you can truly see that the boy wouldn't hold it against you." Shanks perked up to the suggestion and a small smile formed on his face, looking at the woman in front of him and nodded in agreement, " I think that is a good idea." Makino and Shanks were talking for a while, while waiting for the storm to pass, it had not been long for it to pass, and Makino was the first one to notice. "Looks like the storm has passed, so why don't we start looking for Luffy?" A smile on the womans face. " Yes let's." Now both heading out the bar to go look for the child. Makino had a feeling on where Luffy would be, she hoped that he wasn't in the water as she wasn't sure if he was allowed to see but she'd had already decided to bring Shanks along to look for the boy.

*With Luffy*
Luffy was just lying on top of the ocean in his mother's warmth. Just lying and not saying anything, the only sound that was made was the songs that his mother was singing to him until he decided to break it. ' Mamma, I wanted to ask you something.'

'What is it my child?' Hummed the ocean goddess.

'Why does that fruit make me whole? And why didn't I need it before?'
The ocean goddess hummed in response to her child's question. 'I believe I cannot tell it to you now my child. You have visitors that want to see you and one does not know me yet so I will put you onto the shore.'

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