Chapter 2-A new home

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Travelling from the New World to the East Blue had proven to be quite a lengthy journey, however the time was cut in half since Garp, being a Marine, could travel in the calm belt with sea stone covering his boat. The island they were heading to is known to be the most beautiful island in the East Blue, Dawn Island. This island was originally Dragon's birthplace, but since no one actually knew this, besides the old people or people Dragon was friends with, within Windmill Village It made it quite safe for Luffy to reside in. Plus, Garp had quite the authority there with the bandits, so if push comes to shove, he can just ask them for help, like what he did with Gol. D. Roger's son, Ace. Ace was 3 years older than Luffy and was already living with the bandits, having been put in a similar situation as him as no one could know who their fathers were as it would call for an immediate execution for both of them even though they were only children.

Once they had reached the island Garp had searched out for a trusted friend in Windmill Village, she ran a small, but fairly popular bar. She was an average heighted woman with long green hair and had quite nice features all around. Including her personality. When she first heard about Luffy being Dragon's son, she was shocked to say the least as she never imagined Dragon to be a family man. But the cherry on top of it all was when she found out what Luffy exactly was and who his mother was. After a few months Makino now was primarily in charge of looking after Luffy, as Garp had to go back to work eventually. However, Garp would come visit every couple month or so, in order to see if him and Ace were still doing okay. Things would start to get really chaotic for Makino when Luffy began to crawl and somewhat walk. Whenever Makino would take him down to the beach, he would start to try go in and swim in the ocean and what was even worse is that it would seem as if the water would try and gravitate to Luffy ever so slightly when he was near enough to it. Even though Makino knew Luffy was a child of the sea, she couldn't help but worry if Luffy could swim or not or even breathe in the water or what if he'd would just drift out to sea if she let him near it. What would she say to Garp if Luffy was dragged away by the sea, never to seen again?  It was really stressful for Makino, but she'd only let him go out to the shore for a morning and evening walk. Makino only learnt that Luffy would be okay fully when he could start to talk semi properly however that only really happened when Luffy was around 2 years old. Telling Makino that mama was okay, or that he wants to sleep with his mom. Makino didn't allow Luffy to sleep with his mom immediately but eventually worked up to it. When Luffy was around 1,5 years of age she allowed Luffy to go into the water, but obviously she was in it with him. Doing that she found out that he could float? She wouldn't really call it floating as she could see that Luffy didn't have to move a finger at all to stay afloat or lie on his back for that matter. Then she gradually started only sitting on the shore, making sure that Luffy didn't get dragged off further from the shore that was safe, and watching him to make sure that he wouldn't suddenly sink and then drown. She would also stay there to make sure that nobody would come and see the boy in the sea and try kidnap him or call the marines just seeing a 1-year-old floating in the sea alone. And then when Luffy was turning 2 years old that year did he start saying to Makino that he was okay by his mom, that he wants to sleep with her. That he won't drown or drift off to sea, especially without letting her know first. Though Makino knew that Luffy was a sea child, she didn't actually know what it truly means to be one. However, she started to trust that Luffy would be okay, so she let him sleep wherever he wants from now on. And when that happened so did a new routine for those two start. Makino now would get up a bit earlier than she'd usually and take a stroll around the beach and when she got to a secluded area, you'd see a little boy resting on top of the waves, seemingly using the water as a blanket. She'd usually wait around 5-10min as then the sun would start to rise, and so the boy would start drifting to the shore, allowing Makino to take the boy into her arms, wake him up and start to walk back to the bar to start the day, and breakfast, as we all know that the tiny boy had an appetite the size of a black hole. and when Makino would start to close the bar in the evening, she'd take the boy back to the shore, having him hug her goodnight and run off to the water, jumping into his mother's arms listening to her soothing voice as he'd start to her one of her stories of the sea and begin to drift off to sleep, feeling the warmth in her embrace. By that time Makino lets out a small smile and turns to head back off to her home for the evening


Hey guys, I originally planned to upload yesterday, but got a bit too busy. I might upload another chapter sooner as this one was quite short. I will try to upload at least once a week, specifically on a Sunday. Thank you for all of the reads, I did not expect to see so many people read the first chapter so quickly, do please let me know if there are any mistakes in this chapter and if you have any ideas you'd like me to incorporate in a future chapter. Enjoy your day/night.

The next Chapter will be called- A New Friend

-1066 words =)

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