Chapter 3-A new friend

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Makino and Luffy would do that routine everyday from when Luffy had turned 2 years old. However during the day it was always different as it was hard to keep Luffy in the Bar the whole time as he was a very energetic kid. The people that came to the bar often didn't mind Luffy and his antics, often listening to the story he would retell after hearing them from his mother. However that was only the times that he was in the bar, Luffy would love to be outside, not liking staying in a confined space for too long as he'd start to get restless. When outside, Luffy would often go to the shore and ask the sailors about their stories or explore the grey terminal and jungle trying to learn more and make more friends. Luffy struggled to make friends as kids would often run away, finding him creepy. Especially after he did the stare, but other than that they just sensed something off with him and wouldn't let him join in any games that they played. This fact really upset Luffy however his mother would always remind him that there was a friend on the island and he'd just have to find him, so Luffy always kept searching for this mystery friend, as his mother wouldn't tell him how he looked or where he was but only that he was on the island. The Goddess believed it would be beneficial for Luffy to find his friend on his own. However this will only happen years later.

Years later, when Luffy just turned seven, the Goddess gave him a very special story to tell him about. A new friend for him different than the one on the island but one that will help him in the future. Makino and Luffy walked down to the shore as usually however the only this is, is that Luffy was bouncy up and down( more so than usual).

Makino: what has got you so excited this evening, Luffy? I know you're happy to go see your mother but you seem more energetic than usual.

Luffy: well that is because mamma said that she is going to tell me a very special story tonight. And I'm just soo curious on what she is going to tell me!

Makino: Oh so you don't know what she is going to tell you?


Makino: We'll we are here now, and if you can I hope I can hear the story tomorrow.

Luffy:Me too, I'll tell Makino tomorrow!

Makino:Night Luffy.sleep well

And with that Makino waved Luffy off while he got into the water.

Mama!Mama! I want to hear the story! Said Luffy while splashing the water

Calm down my child. Have patience, I'll share it with you, just as soon as you calm down.
With what his mother said Luffy started to calm down. 'Okay...' said Luffy with a slight pout on his lip.
'Nika, I want you to come down, as this story is going to take a while. '

With the those words alone Luffy started sinking, well that is what it would look like to any person looking into the situation however the ocean goddess herself was carrying her child down, all the way to the bottom of the ocean, to a place that wouldn't be though humanly possible to reach as it is so deep that no human can reach even if they have gear or a submarine. Luffy now at the bottom of the ocean in his mother's arms as the goddess turned into a figure of a woman and held Luffy on her 'lap'.
'Alright this is a little story of a person you'll meet and I hope you'll get along with, as he is a very good person and has something that is apart of you.'

'Apart of me?' Said Luffy in confusion 'what does mama mean'

'You'll see what I mean my dear child, you'll also sense it, Anyway this person I am going to tell you about was on Gol. D. Roger's crew.

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