Chapter 7-Brothers(Part 1)

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"Luffy!"The Duo called out as the boy seemed to disappear into the sea. They were so shocked that they didn't even noticed how they had fallen onto their knees, on the sand. They sat there for what felt like hours their eyes boreing into the ocean, but as soon as Ace realised what had happened he got up and sprinted into the sea, "A-Ace! Wait!" Sabo called desperately but couldn't  seem to move his legs, still bound by the earth by his shock, and fear he felt for the youngest boy's life.
Ace jumped into the sea looking around to see if he could spot the kid, he could see nothing. It was like the boy wasn't dragged in mere seconds ago, so he swam down even further and further. After minutes in the sea , his lungs screaming at him for air, so he resurfaced. Looking at his blond friend for only a second and then diving down again, deeper and faster than before and then finally he saw something. A light.
Swimming towards the light he finally saw the boy, but what had he not expected to see is that he was smiling. Ace had fully expected to see the boy thrashing about to try and resurface for air, but no. He was still. Worried that this meant something worse in his mind, as no person in there right mind would enjoyed not being able to breath in the sea so Ace feared the worse. Grabbing the boy and swimming as fast as he could to the surface. His vision blurry and his movements becoming sluggish, as they were quite deep, swimming up deemed a challenge with the boys added weight. Nether less he carried on, he'd carry on until he couldn't no longer. What had felt like hours the two had reached the  surface. Ace not even have the strength to get properly on the beach just layed there taking in as many breaths as possible before another wave came onto the shore, it was now Luffys turn to grab the boy by his shirt and drag him onto the beach, where his mothers waves wouldn't reach him.  Sabo came running to the boys aid, practically in tears. 'What the hell were you thinking?!!" Y-you could have drowned, Is Ace okay?!" The boy was frantic seeing the older boy on the sand lying still, he crouched down to check if he was breathing. Sabo was about to go on another rant but Luffys laughing had stopped him. "Shishi, Ace and Sabo worry too much." Grinning from ear to ear, " Mamma would never hurt me." Luffy looked to the ocean, but it seemed as if he could see into it, no beyond it. Something deeper. Sabo got up and grabbed Luffy on the shoulder checking for any cuts and bruises, the boy looked clean of them, like he was never tortured in the first place. He took the boy into a bear gripping hug, " I don't care, how or why, b-but I'm glad you're safe..." Sabo wanted to stay by Luffy, he never told Ace that he felt the need to protect Luffy, he wanted to be his friend, that he never actually wanted to be mean to him but at the same time he was scared of the younger boy. For that reason, he doesn't know himself. But hugging the boy right now, is what his body told him to do, what he wanted, to see the boy alive and well. And hugging the younger gave him that solace.
They had stood like that for a while, until Ace could finally breath again, the adrenaline that had left his body and the oxygen supply being fluent, he got his energy back. He sat up and saw his friend hugging the smaller boy. Ace was pissed off to say the least but also he was relieved, that Luffy was safe. He stood up and walked over to the duo and grabbed Luffy by the shoulder and started shaking. " WHAT THE HELL MAN, YOU CANT JUST GO INTO THE SEA LIKE THAT" Stopping the shaking in order for the favour of hitting the boy on the head, making him face plant into the ground. Ace would never admit it out loud that Luffy had worried him, so this was his way of showing it. "C-Calm down Ace" Sabo came up to the older boy, and placed a hand on his shoulder," I am sure he has learnt his lesson now" Ace just scoffed at this idea. " Anyway we should probably head back, it seems the sun is setting."
Ace started walking to the forest," Come on let's get back before that old hag shuts the door on us again, and your coming too Sabo" Ace turned to look his friend in the eyes and then just continued to walk, Sabo now tailing behind him. Luffy got up laughing and followed the two boys up the mountain. He for one had enjoyed this day(mostly) but it was one of the best since Ace was talking to him now.


Hey guys, soo, I've decided to release this early, since I haven't updated in a while, so consider this part 1. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter 😀

Word count:882

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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