Chapter 6-Friends

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Peeking from behind the cabin, there was a freckled boy with charcoal black hair. A boy with a name as Ace. He saw Garp dropped off a small boy who could be around 3-4 years younger than him, he wasn't really thrilled with the idea of having another person occupy his space and was content with just ignoring the brat. He was about to leave when he heard, "Ace! Let us be friends!"

OH HELL NO!!! Ace did not like people, especially loud spoiled brats. He looked back at the boy running to him, with the brightest smile he has ever seen, yup definitely spoilt, and booked it down the mountain but to his vein the boy managed to keep up until like 5 mins had passed and he had finally lost him. Ace then retreated to his and friend, Sabo's, hide out where they collected money and discussed future plans.

"Ace! Let us be friends!" Luffy ran from his grandpa and started running to the boy. He was excited by the idea of having a new friend, one that would stay on the island and one that is similar in age to him. Luffy kept chasing after the boy, shouting at him that they should be friends, running through the thick bush, over cliffs and rivers but eventually due to his lack of experience in the jungle he lost ace very quickly. Luffy slowed down, catching his breath and looking around to see where the older boy went, "Ace?" walking around a bit more he even looked under stones and was climbing on trees but to no avail, he had lost him. " Damn," A frown making its way onto his face but quickly makes it into a smile again," Well, it is not like I am going to stop. He will become my friend." Feeling a new sense of determination within him.

After walking around a bit, still seeing if he could find his way back to the shack or to the shore as he'd given up his search for now but Ace was still on his mind, friends were on his mind. After all... he has no one else... His grandpa leaves him on this island and only comes and visits every few months, he can't see his dad, he has no siblings and he isn't allowed in the village anymore as it isn't his home, his home is with the bandits...not the ones that hurt him but still. He didn't like them very much, they didn't make a very good first impression on him. Thinking all of this his happy, carefree smile was changing into a sad and lonely one, longing for something more. It was beginning to get dark and Luffy was still walking aimlessly around the forest, he decided to stop walking around in order to go and sit on a rock to think a few things over, "Sigh, I guess I am lost. I don't even know the way back to mom." Luffy was looking down at the floor until he felt a warm wind, it was his mom comforting him and then he sees something slither on his feet. " Oh hello mr snake.'" a smile crept up onto Luffy's face as he was happy not being alone anymore. " Do you know the way out of this forest?"

"Hello young king, yes I know a way out of the forest. Would you like me to guide you to the cabin?"

Luffy thought about the question before answering " could you take me out to the ocean, to mamma."

"Of course, follow me." The small snake bowed to his king, he was glad to help him especially after he smiled when he said he'd help him. None of his subjects liked seeing their young king upset, so seeing him smile a little bit brightened their mood.

After around 10 minutes later they had arrived at the shore," Thank you Snakey, btw could you help me find the cabin tomorrow?" saying while putting the snake down back on the ground. Once the snake had agreed ,Luffy then ran off happily to his mother, glad to be with someone that he is familiar with. To be with someone that wanted him around and didn't run off every time he tried to approach them. Once in the water, he began to tell his mother what had happened that day,wanting some advice to be able to be friends with Ace. He knew that this was the friend that his mother talked about a few years back, since she knew him he'd hopped that she'd tell him something about the boy but to his dismay all his mother said is that he shouldn't give up and to keep trying.

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