Love Again: Chapter Two

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This morning...

"You're telling me that she hasn't left his abusive ass yet?" My oldest brother Luca shouts as he barges into my bedroom. "Get your ass up Jason!" He yells as my bedroom curtains fly open and the sunlight burns my eyes. "The fuck have you been doing these last three days, get up!" He kicks my feet and I finally sit up. I run my hand over my face and lean back against the headboard of my bed. My brother is upset — "I saw the video footage dumbass. You forget you're not the only tech genius around here." He reminds me.

"What does it matter, she won't leave him, she won't put those kids at risk. Jesse believes too much in marriage and the kids growing up around their father more than anyone I know." I tell him. "It's her marriage, she chose to marry that asshole all those years ago. I'm no one to get involved."  

Luca takes a step towards me but I stand before he even reaches me. I know better than to mess with him when he's all hot headed. We all are but he takes the cake at being fueled by his rage. My head is spinning and my body feels heavy. I've been drinking for the last three days ever since I saw the footage of Jesse on my laptop screen. Instead of doing anything I've been drinking myself till I black out and moping around.

"No brother we don't get to bitch out on someone we love, the Meadows family don't bitch out of anything." He grins viciously and his eyes turn darker than ever. "You get her and those kids out of there or I'm showing up at his office and putting him six feet under." Luca warns me. "You may have put him in the hospital all those years ago but I will put him in the ground." He threatens.


The twins are sound asleep in their bedroom. I had set it up a couple of months ago as their birthday present this year. This wasn't the way I wanted to gift it to them. They were too tired to even notice it but hopefully in the morning they will.

Making my way to Jesse, to the guest room she's going to stay in when I want her to sleep in my bed beside me. The day she got married to that asshole broke my heart, I didn't even attend the wedding. I hated the thought of her marrying my best friend, only because I knew the type of man that he was and still is. Jesse was head over heels in love with the fake version of Mark and I couldn't do anything about it. I knew Jesse wouldn't listen to me so I kept the love I felt for her to myself, the love I still have for her runs deep and it's eating me alive.

Standing at the door frame, Jesse is sitting at the edge of the side of the bed. I cross my arms and her words replay in my head. "I fell, Jason, I'm fine." How stupid does she think I am?  I planted cameras all over that house years ago, I was concerned for her safety and for the kids. Yet, I played the oblivious godfather and friend when deep down I wanted to rip Mark apart. The first time was a warning and he didn't take me seriously. I couldn't keep beating the shit out of him just to prove a point.

The times I've driven to their house and hesitated to barge in on them and stop him from hurting her. The many times I stood behind the other side of the front door and heard her scream in pain because of him. I've had many chances to stop him and I did nothing. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing this time. The bruises on her face and body was the last straw. 

"Jess, are you okay?" I ask her, even though I know she's not. She stands from the bed and stalks up to me. Jesse wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly while she cries into my chest. "You're safe now Jesse." I assure her. I promise her. I won't ever let that man close to her or the kids, my kids again. "You all are." I kiss the top of her head. 

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