Wrongfully Accused: Chapter Four

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After the first two witnesses were called Judge Knight had called a 5 minute recess. Me and my wife stood out in the hall. She looked up at me with a little smile while I caressed her cheek softly, I didn't want her to worry about me. I didn't want her to be burdened with this kind of stress. She had been keeping a brave face for me but I knew she was falling apart deep inside.

"You know you can go home, Mariee." I told her.

"I'm not leaving, Jared." She claimed. "I'm staying. For better or worse, remember?" She said.

"Yeah baby, I remember. For better or worse." I agreed. Those were our vows 10 years ago and here we are, for worse. I stepped closer to her, cupping her chin and stared into her amber eyes. I leaned closer and gave her a brief loving kiss. "I love you so much." I said against her soft lips.

"I love you." She said in a low sweet whisper.

Break was over already and everyone was entering the courtroom again. I took my seat beside my lawyer and waited till everyone was settled down. I couldn't believe my trial was being filmed live on TV. Made me wonder how many were viewing this shit show. Cause that's what it was. A fucking shit show. I just wanted to go home and be under my wife. Afraid that if none of this went how we expected, I'd get locked up and never lay with my wife again. I stared down at my folded hands on the table and tried to push the thought out of my head but couldn't. I tried to tame back my emotions and think about something that made me happy but I couldn't. I was too pissed off and scared.

Judge Knight continued with this trial. He seemed to have all day because he was dragging this shit for far too long. I was not guilty and I never touched that sick girl. The next person was called to the witness stand by Nick. Destiny's mother. Fuck.

The woman stood and made her way to the witness stand. Swore over the bible and took her seat. She glared her green eyes at me. I tilt my head, looking away from her. It didn't make me uncomfortable for other women to look at me, it's the way they looked at me when my wife was around. My wife had a mouth on her and it's what I loved most about her. And I prayed to whatever god that was up there that she didn't say anything to that woman because I knew it would be reckless.

She stood quiet for now and Nick continued with the questions.

"Ms. Adams from what we have heard before, your daughter appeared at Monroe High School 5 months ago, is this true?" He asked. "Answer into the mic." He told her.

"Yes. We moved here from Ohio." She claimed.

"Why?" He asked her.

"We wanted a change of scenery. We thought it would be good for our daughter Destiny and my marriage." Ms. Adams stated.

Yeah, her marriage. Fix her marriage but fuck mine up in the process. That had to be a fucking joke. A sick twisted joke.

"You're joking right?" Mariee snaps, shouted from behind me. "You can sit there and fix your marriage but it's okay for your daughter to fuck mine. Are you insane?" My wife expressed faithfully.

"Ms. Prince, control yourself or you will be escorted out." Judge Knight ordered. The crowd behind her applauded and praised her. "Mr. Prince, control your wife."

I stayed put. I didn't move a single muscle. She wasn't hurting anyone, she was speaking what she felt was true and exactly what I felt. I hadn't said a single word throughout this whole trial and I wasn't going to say anything now. I had nothing to say. I wasn't guilty of anything. Therefore my wife spoke her true feelings.

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