In Love With A Monster: Chapter Eight

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Nothing was wrong with Juels, her mother changed her records before passing away to keep Jon from having sex with her. Valeria always had a way of making things seem so realistic anyone could believe it.

Juels is 4 months pregnant. Marisol confirmed it to me in person and privately. She had been pregnant 2 months before Jon showed his face.

The man is dead meat. It doesn't matter how many more men he continues to hire to protect him, I will kill them all just to get to him. He hurt Juels and the child she is carrying. She is right, it is a miracle that nothing has happened to her.

Juels is sound asleep in my bed wrapped in my white bed sheet as the moonlight cascades over her soft curves while I sit on the chair at the end of the bed and watch her sleep. Eventually I stood from my chair, strap my belt holster around my hips with my guns and knives. Jon has taken from us, hurt the woman I love and turned our home into a dark hole.

I kiss the top of her head and walk out of my master bedroom from the east wing of the castle. I make my way to the main level of the castle. Tonight the new guards were posted at each entrance. One of the new guards stands near the stairs looking out for anything suspicious. His back is towards me, I walk up to him light on my feet, take my hunting knife and stab him at the side of his neck while I cover his mouth with my other and drag him to a dark corner. I take his radio and crush it under my foot. The other guard at the other end of the large hall looks in my direction.

"Smith is that you?" He calls out quietly as he comes closer.

I stay in the dark till he comes close enough. I raise my gun to his head and pull the trigger. Blowing his brains out, his body drops to the floor. I continue down the stairs calmly towards the two men that stand at the bottom of the stairs, I shoot both of them at the back of their heads then climb up the stairs to the west wing of the castle, where Jon sleeps. When I get to the last man with my gun pointed at him, he raises his hand in surrender and stares at me with fear in his eyes. That isn't going to save him. I shot him straight in between his eyes. His heavy body falls against Jon's master bedroom door.

"Who is there?" Jon cries from the other side of the door.

I open the door and step in while tucking my gun into my leg holster. He looks behind me, seeing the dead man's body at the entrance of his door, then looks back at me with a pale face and eyes filled with terror.

"What's the matter Jon, scared of the monster you created." I taunt as I grab him off his bed and throw him across the room. "Did you think you were going to get away with it?" I charged at him, struck him on his face, one, two, three times, making him bleed and breaking his nose in the process. I pick him up and stare at him in his fucked up faced with a vicious grin across my lips. "Tell me, Jon. Was it worth it in the end?" I sneered through gritted teeth while choking him with the very same clothes he wears.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks.

"I told you that you would regret ever stepping foot in my country, you solidified your death when you touched her." I threaten venomously.

I press my gun underneath his chin and from the corner of my eye I see the silhouette of my princess standing at the doorway. She slowly comes up toward us, my eyes meet hers as she moves her hands over my arms, all the way to my gun. Juels wraps her hand around mine and glares at Jon with eyes filled with vengeance. I take a step back, giving her enough space to come in between the both of us as he looks down at her.

Who am I to stop her from what we both knew we wanted? She is queen of Bisono. Ever since I told her about our parents, the red flower and the forgery Jon had committed, I saw something in her spark. The very same monster that lives within me had sparked in her. Juels was full of rage and vengeance.

"You asked me once if I could ever learn to love a monster, Jon and I told you no." She presses the gun further into his chin and he groans from the pressure. "I'm here to tell you that I lied." She smiles wickedly. "You see Jon, I always had the man I wanted with William, he was kind, loving, brave and courageous." She tells him and he continues to look down at her while trembling with fear. "But that wasn't the reason I had fallen in love with him. So to answer your question, Jon. Yes. I learned to love a monster at a young age and you are looking right at him." She tells him in a dangerously low sexy voice. "Your biggest mistake was letting him out to play." She says to him.

Juels removes her hand from mine and leans back into me, keeping her eyes straight on Jon. I pull the trigger and kill him instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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