Wrongfully Accused: Chapter Three

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His court day. Jared had been playing calm all week but I knew he was nervous about it. He continued thinking that things were going to turn out for the worst. He wasn't positive about it at all. It made me think that he was going to lose the case, be thrown in prison and I'd lose my husband. Yes, he was a hot head but only for the right reasons.

The courtroom was filled with strange people, some students from the highschool along with their parents and the press. I didn't see a reason why my husband's trial needed to be filmed live on TV but whatever worked to see that my husband was not guilty and was wrongly accused.

I sat behind Jared while he sat with his lawyer at the front of the courtroom. The girl sat on the other side with a sad look on her face and I wasn't sure if she was faking it. Her parents sat on the other side with worried looks on their faces. If all of this went as I expected it to go they will never see their daughter again for ruining so many marriages she had no business doing. Rick sat beside me, Detective Chelsea sat beside him, only because Jared had asked him to switch spots with Rick and Jared's father Chris sat next to me, pissed off that his son was wrongly accused. I was surprised he even showed up, he hadn't bothered talking to Jared in the last 2 months.

Judge Knight walked out from his chambers up to his chair. He looked around the room and sighed. He already looked frustrated. The room was quiet for a moment too long and it was making my heart race out of my chest and nauseous too. I wanted to stay calm for Jared. He didn't need to see me panic at a time like this. He needed to stay focused.

Judge Knight shifted through the paperwork he had in front of him and glanced around the room once again till his dark eyes fell on Jared.

"Okay, I'm ready to get this over with." He claimed.

The other lawyer Nick stood from his seat and called out a woman's name.

"Aria Langston please come to the witness stand." A woman from the crowd stood and made her way to the stand and swore on the bible to tell the truth. She took her seat and smiled at Nick. "Into the mic, state your name and age."

"Aria Langston and I'm 25 years old." She did as she was told and looked back at the judge nervously this time.

Aria wasn't here against Jared, she was here to defend my husband's honor. She was a former student at Monroe High, graduated 7 years ago and soon will be graduating college with a masters degree in teaching. She claimed that her inspiration was Jared. She was 15 years old when she first met Jared. He taught Global History when she was in school in her grade. He tutored her after classes with her boyfriend who was now her fiance. Jared was 22 years old when he started teaching, he started off as a substitute teacher and Rick wanted him to continue to work at his high school after a month of subbing.

"How would you claim Mr. Prince's actions around the school when you were going to Monroe High?" Nick asked.

"He was very professional, all our teachers preferred we call them by their first name but not Mr. Prince, he felt that it was inappropriate. He claimed that the only person that could call him by his first name was his wife." She claimed.

"Well it is." Nick agreed. "And how long would you say your tutoring was for?" He asked.

"2 Hours. Mr. Prince always wanted to leave by 5pm so that he could get home to his wife's cooking. He tutored us for a month and I was curious to know why he'd get so excited for his wife's cooking till me and our classmates asked to throw a small get together and if it was okay if his wife cooked food for it." She claimed. I remember that day, I was up all day cooking and baking while sweating in the kitchen making sure everything was perfect for that get together. "Oh and she baked these really good red velvet cookies too. Let's just say she's a great cook." Aria smiled.

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