Wrongfully Accused: Chapter One

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We've been married for 10 years now, things have been great up until 2 months ago, when my husband lost his job for being wrongly accused of child molestation. Jared was a high school teacher. For the 19 years that I've known him, he has never looked at any other female, and for the 10 years that he had been working, he has never touched a student. So it's hard for me to believe that he could have done something so out of his nature.

The weeks have been bad. He'd go out, come back home late, and drank. Most nights he wouldn't even look my way and if he did he'd start an argument with me. Him getting fired was fucking up our marriage and my bond with him. My husband, the man I loved, had turned into a different man.

"Mariee!" Jared yelled from his home office.

"Yeah!" I rushed over to him.

He called out to me to see what I was up to. I was in the middle of making dinner. It was 5 in the afternoon, so I took advantage since he was home. He wasn't going anywhere, he loved my cooking and it made him happy when he was in a bad mood. But he hadn't been eating my cooking lately. I hoped this time he did.

Jared waved his hand at me, wanting me to come to him. I did, he pulled me over his lap and held me close with his face tucked into my chest. It surprised me for a second. He started to cry, he was trembling and breathing hard. He was overwhelmed, he knew he was pushing me away, that fighting with me all the time wasn't making anything better so he apologized. Jared looked me in my eyes and apologized. He was never the type to take accountability for his stupidity in our relationship, but this was one of the first times he had. I cried right along with him, I was shocked.

"Baby, let's go eat and try to have a good night." I said hoping he would agree.

We stood and made our way to the kitchen, he sat and waited as I set the table with dinner. We ate quietly, he ate slowly but he couldn't take his eyes off of me. I didn't know what to think of it, I wasn't sure if he was trying to find a way to start another argument or if it was something else. He was lost in thought and too quiet for my liking. He was done eating before me, he stood and put the plate in the sink, it made a loud crashing sound and made me jump in my seat. He walked away to the bedroom without saying a single word to me or looking my way. I had lost my appetite and stopped eating. I went to see what was bothering him this time. He was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and rinsing out his mouth. I stood by the door with my arms crossed. When he was done, he stood in front of me, looking down at me with no type of emotion but seemed annoyed.

"Are you okay? Why did you slam the dishes into the sink?" I stood up straight.

"I didn't slam the dishes anywhere." He walked past me.

"Jared, I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just trying to find out what's wrong." I said nicely.

"Mariee, please not now." He sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the temples of his head like he was getting a headache.

"If not now then when?" I shouted.

"Mariee, I'm not doing this with you." He stood and turned his back to me. Just when I was about to say another word, he spoke. "You want to know what's wrong!!... I LOST MY FUCKING JOB OVER FUCKING WRONG ACCUSATIONS!!!" He shouted in anger.

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