Love Again: Chapter Three

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I've been stressed about this court day all month since I got served at the hair salon. When I told Jason about it he was pissed but he's been telling me that Mark would never get custody over our kids no matter how hard he tries. 

My divorce with Mark was finalized a month after I left Mark and Jason didn't hesitate to ask me to marry him. I didn't hesitate to say yes.

After what seems like forever it's only been ten minutes and my kids walk back out with judge Graves. My heart has been racing ever since I saw Mark's face. I hate him, I never want to be in the same room as him ever again. I couldn't do it with the divorce but I had to do it today. I just hope all this nervousness doesn't affect my pregnancy. 

"Can I have one of the grandparents take the kids out to get something to eat? They are getting hungry." Judge Graves asks. My father, Jason's parents and Mark's mother stand on their feet. Judge Graves picks grandma Meadows to take my kids out. Elaine doesn't hesitate, she takes my kids and they walk out of the courtroom. What is going on? "Your kids are very smart and wonderful." She tells me. Judge Graves sits back in her seat behind her stand and looks over to Mark. Narrowing her eyes at him as if she's trying to shoot laser beams at him. "Do you feel that your kids would be happy to live with you without having any contact with their mother? Don't you think that's a bit excessive?" 

"I do think my kids will be happy with me, your honor. And I feel that they'll get used to not having their mother around. I'm perfectly fine with that, just how she's been perfectly fine with keeping them away from me." Mark answers. 

That's a lie, I've asked Isabel and Isaac if they wanted to see their father time and time again, but they beg me not to let them see him. They hate him, they're terrified of him and prefer to be with me and Jason. All I have are threats and emails from him telling me that he's going to take my kids from me. That I will pay with my life for leaving him and taking the kids from him.

"So this is about getting even with your ex-wife?" Mark says nothing, he hesitates. "Do you remember what happened five months after you married Ms. Martinez?" Judge Graves asks Mark. 

"No should that be of any importance to me?" Mark asks.

"It should be Mr. Valdez." She says and turns on the flat screen TV on the right side of the room. This is why she wanted the kids out of the room. "It's the first time you put your hands on Ms. Martinez while she was five months pregnant with the twins." Mark's eyes widened in shock. "This is what caused her to go into early labor, which you took upon yourself to take her to the hospital afterwards. Her medical records state that she was hit in a car crash, granted that a car crash can cause the same damages you inflicted on your her that night but we all know that's not what truly happened to her that night." She looks at Mark, her eyes dark and angry but filled with disgust.

That night it was his fault I went into labor so early, it took me months to recover properly and to finally get my kids to come home with me. The only help I had was Anicia's and Jason's. I could never remember how I got to the hospital, I just knew that when I woke up, my kids weren't inside of me and the only people that were next to me were Anicia and Jason. I was unconscious for three days and hurt. That night Mark had come home drunk and blacked out on me. He beat me to a pulp, I just never knew what possessed him to take me to the hospital that night but I'm glad he did. My kids wouldn't have been here today. 

"You planted cameras in my home?!" Mark growls at Jason. 

Jason says nothing but looks at me with that sexy devil smile of his. He knew this whole time that I'd win, that Mark would never have a chance to get custody of our kids no matter how hard he tried.

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