In Love With A Monster: Chapter Four

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"I didn't want him to hurt you in the way that he had hurt me."

Her words continue replaying in my mind all night long. I don't know what it means. I can't think straight anymore. As I reach the altar, stand in front of Jon, from the corner of my eye I spot William standing at the first row, his face was red from his crying while his jaw tightens. Two of Jon's men stand beside him, forcing him to watch me get married to another man.

Jon cups my cheek in between his thumb and index finger and turns my attention back to him. The priest blesses us, he slides my ring onto my finger and I do the same to him. I hold back my cries but my tears fail to stop. I can't stop them no matter how hard I want them too. The priest places a white diamond crown at the top of my head that isn't my mothers and a royal Bisono pendant with our country's flower on to Jons white blazer.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. King and Queen of Bisono." The priest announces. "You may now kiss the bride." He says with a smile.

Jon comes closer to my ear and threatens me. If I don't stop crying and put on a smile, he'd have William assassinated right here and now. I glance back at Will and see a red target laser dot on his chest right above his heart. He looks down at his chest and sees the dot himself. William is a smart man and is quick to put two and two together. I take a breath and plaster a fake smile on my face.

"That's better." Jon says and smiles back at me. He wraps his arm around the back of my waist and pulls me close to his body. It was killing me inside to be here, that Will was watching from a distance when it should have been him. "Now kiss me like you mean it." He says, I nodded. Jon places his lips on mine and kisses me. We kiss as if we have been doing it forever but it disgusts me to the core. When I pull back his lips, I see William walking down the aisle, the impact of his hands hitting the church doors echoed throughout the church and he leaves without giving me a second glance. "Sucks to be him." Jon mutters through his smile.


Jon got extremely drunk at the after party. He was an embarrassment toward me. He passed out on the floor and his men carried him up to our master bedroom. I snuck out about thirty minutes ago and made my way to the willow tree where me and William carved our initials on.

When I get there I see him standing there staring into mid air lost in thought. He is still wearing his black suit from the wedding. His dark hair is a mess, his jaw is ticking and his eyes are dark and scary.

"Will?" I call out for him in a low tone. He doesn't move a muscle. He doesn't look at me. I stand in front of him and call out his name once again. "I'm sorry." I cry softly and he finally looks down at me.

"It's not your fault, princess." He says quietly. I move my hands up his firm chest, he takes my hand and notices my diamond ring. "It's ugly." He claims, then rips the ring from my finger and tosses it as far as he can. "It's not you." He says.

He would know. We had our whole wedding ceremony planned down to every detail.

"Do you hate me?" I ask.

"I could never hate you, Juels." He caresses my cheek softly. "You did it to save me. Now he will regret it."

"How?" I ask.

"By showing him the monster he created." He claims darkly.

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