V1|CHAPTER 2: The Bar

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This one won't be as long as the last one but The next one will be.

(-??? POV-)

I walked into the bar and went up to the bartender with a tired look on my face, while also having trouble keeping my eyes open. The bartender took a good look at me to see if I met the age requirement, and if I'm being honest, I did not look like I met the requirement at all, but he allowed it.

Bartender: Whatcha want kid?

???: I really don't care. Just any alcohol please.

He nodded before walking away, grabbing a glass, he also grabbed a bottle of Alcohol and poured it into the cup. After, he put some ice in it and handed it to me, I paid him and walked up the stairs before picking a random spot to sit down. Once I had found a place to sit down, I took a seat and glanced over to my left, and I couldn't really see because my eyes were opening and closing, which made it feel as if I was either drifting in and out of consciousness, or about to fall unconscious. While I was glancing, I saw two people that looked familiar. I think I remember mom telling me about them, but it was hard for me to tell, because I was very tired and couldn't keep my eyes open for long before they shut on me. They saw that I was glancing, and the Black-Haired woman slightly glared at me, while the Black-Haired man waved. I looked back down at the table I was sitting at, before grabbing my drink, looking at the ceiling and chugging all of it in a few seconds. It was a small glass, so it made sense. I looked back down at the table before slowly putting my glass down. I heard footsteps coming in my direction, so I looked to my left, and saw some random guy standing there.

???: Well, well, well. If it Isn't the dumbass older brother of (Y/N) (L/N).

These words caught the attention of the Black-Haired woman, and man as they whipped their heads toward the scene this guy was causing. I looked the guy up and down, waiting for his next words.

???: Are you here drinking because you know he's going to die in Beacon Academy?

Those words didn't affect me at all, mainly because (Y/N) Has very good friends that will protect him, so he isn't going to die anytime soon.

???: Or are you drinking because you can't find your mom, Yumi?

Now those words hit me harshly, all because the guy is right. I can't find her, and she probably doesn't want to find me either. I wasn't even sure she still cared about me or not, but I still loved her anyway.

???: Or is it bec-

He was cut off by the Black-Haired girl punching him in the back of the head, which knocked him out cold. He fell right onto the ground with a hard face plant to go with it. She turned towards me with a frown, and the Black-Haired guy got up before walking over to us.

???: Why didn't you say anything to him? Just going to let yourself get insulted like that?

The Black-Haired woman's voice was really cold, along with a glare to go with her serious and rude expression.

???: H-Huh?

???: Raven, please, be a little nicer to the kid. He probably doesn't even know what just happened.

Raven: Qrow, I don't care if he doesn't know what just happened, he can't just sit there while being insulted like that.

Qrow: Raven, he's tired. You can see that, right? He's too tired to do anything about it.

Raven sat down next to me and Qrow took a seat on the other side. Raven grunted a little bit before taking a good look at me and sighing. She turned back towards Qrow.

Raven: Yeah, I see that, but still.

Qrow slowly turned his head to me before slightly tilting it.

Qrow: So, your (Y/N's) older brother?

Raven also turned her head to me, with a straight face as they both waited for me to respond. I nodded my head before turning towards Raven.

Raven: What happened to Yumi then? And what's your name?

???: My name is Aiden. And mom just disappeared.

Raven: When is the last time you saw her?

Aiden: Before... Summer I think her name was, it was a few days away from when she disappeared I think. My memory is foggy at the moment.

Their eyes widened, seeming like they recognized that name.

Qrow: Are you still in contact with her?

Aiden: Yes, and no. She doesn't ever really answer me. Its extremely rare for her to actually be able to talk with her.

Raven: When was the last time she answered?

Aiden: Few months ago. But she told me to stop looking for her.

Raven: Did she say anything about us?

Aiden: I think so. She said she wanted to be left alone. for a little while at least, she said whenever she was ready, she'd come to you two.

Qrow: Wait, why is she trying to stay away though? Did we do something wrong?

Aiden: I don't know. She never really told us, so I'm not quite sure why. But its probably for a good reason. I hope, at least.

Raven: So, she's just being distant and not talking to you at all?

Aiden: Yeah, that's basically what's happening with her right now. She's not really talking to anyone, like, at all.

Qrow: Oh, that's a pain in the ass.

Raven: Well, that's just great.

I nodded my head at her before looking down at the table. I heard one of them stand up, and the other one did the same shortly after.

Raven: Well, I'm getting out of here.

Qrow: Same. See ya some other time Aiden.

Aiden: See ya.

I continued looking at the table while listening to them walking away. And I stood up after sitting there for a while, before walking to the stairs. I then walked down them and waved to the bartender.

Aiden: See ya.

Bartender: See ya kid.

I then walked out of the Bar and started walking in a random direction, still carrying my tired expression.

{Maybe I should visit (Y/N) at Beacon soon.. We'll see.}

(Hello my beautiful people, I hope you liked the chapter, I'm currently working on the next one and I'll have it out soon. Bye!)

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