V2|CHAPTER 1: Adventure in The Middle of Nowhere

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(You can talk in transformation now btw)


Everybody was getting geared up, and also had a new fit, but not me. I kept my old jacket, because I kinda just wanted to.

Blake: I thought that class would never end.

Ruby was on her bunk, and she had just finished putting her new boots on.

Ruby: Alright guys today is the day, the investigation begins!

She jumped down from her bunk and Weiss moved out of the way.

Weiss: Whoa! I'm glad to see we're taking this soo seriously.

Yang: Hey, we've got a plan, that's.. Moderately serious.

Ruby: Right. Everyone remember their roles?

Weiss: You and I will head to the CCT to check the Schnee records for any other dust robberies and any inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The Whitefang has regular faction meetings to recruit new members, if I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.

Yang: I have an old friend in the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard.

(Y/N): The hell ya want me to do?

Ruby: Uhm, you can stay here if you'd like?

(Y/N): Yeah, no not happening.

Ruby: Fine, figure out what you're going to do to help.

(Y/N): Mkay.

I got up and walked to the door before opening it and walking out.

I got a notification on my scroll, so I pulled it out and slid it open, to see that it was from Mercury.

Mercury's message: Yo (Y/N), wanna hang out?

My message: Yeah sure.

Mercury's message: Alright, meet us at the Docks.

My message: Ok.

(Time Skip)

I had arrived at the Docks, and I saw Emerald and Mercury standing there, watching the boats drop people off. I walked up behind them, and they turned around to face me.

Mercury: Yo, (Y/N)!

Emerald: Hey!

(Y/N): Hello!

Mercury: Also, Cinder wants to go get something she left behind. She's coming with us by the way. You down to help?

I hesitated for a second. {This is sketchy. I don't know if I should do this with them. Especially if Cinder is coming with us... I guess I should do it to see if I can trust them or not.}

(Y/N): Yea sure.

Mercury: Alright, she wants us to go into some random forest by the way.

(Y/N): Alright, well where is she?

Emerald: She's making her way here, don't worry.

After a few seconds, she got here, and she had the same look that she had the last time.

Cinder: Is everyone ready?

(Y/N): I am, yeah.

Mercury: Same.

Emerald: I am too!

Cinder: Well, then let's go.

(Time skip)

We made it to the forest, and I was carefully following them, while being a little scared because it would be easy for them to kill me due to how vulnerable I was right now. My team wasn't here, so I would be alone if this is actually a trap.

We had been walking through the forest for about 30-40 minutes now, and it was starting to get darker, and darker.

(Y/N): Cinder?

Cinder: Yes?

(Y/N): We've been walking for almost an hour now. How far deep into this forest do we have to go?

Cinder: It shouldn't be much farther.

(Y/N): Ok...

{This has gotta be a trap. There's no way it's not. It shouldn't be almost an hour deep into the forest.}

(Y/N): I don't wanna walk anymore.

Mercury: Well, take a nap.

(Y/N): We can't just stop. Can we?

Cinder: We can, if you're little legs are that weak.

I transformed into my Grimm wolf again and walked up next to her before staring at her from the side.

(Y/N): I'll have you know my legs are most certainly NOT weak.

Mercury: Oh, so you actually can turn into one.

Cinder just side eyed me with a smile.

Cinder: Then don't complain about your legs.

I slightly growled before transforming into my baby Nevermore and landing on her shoulder.

(Y/N): At least I don't even have to walk.

Cinder: Then why complain in the first place?

She was now smirking, clearly having fun teasing me.

(Y/N): Well, I don't see you flying.

Cinder: I don't need to fly. my legs are stronger than yours.

Once again, I slightly growled before turning away from her, but still staying on her shoulder.

{This is the ultimate test to see if I can trust them, I guess.}

After I got done arguing with her, I laid down, still on her shoulder like I said, and closed my eyes before slowly falling asleep in my transformation.

(Hope you liked the chapter! I'll have the next one out sometime Tomorow!)

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