Skinny Jeans: Prologue

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"Oh come on, Ali, you aren't going to be a virgin forever." My girlfriend, Kate, says while trying to slip her hand up my dress.

She usually isn't this pushy when it comes to this. She tries once and then drops the topic but for some reason she wouldn't let this go. I slap her hand away.

"Let's just get rid of it now, get things over with." Her hand, once again, started to travel up my dress.

"Kate, stop." I say sternly and moved her hand away while scooting away from her a little bit.

Kate and I started dating about seven months ago when she and my best friend, Hanna, became stepsisters. Of course the only reason we had started dating in the first place was to get her to lay-off of Hanna, because she was more than a bitch to her. I was only helping my best friend out and in time I actually started to like her. But that's it, just like, nothing more.

"What are you so afraid of? I'll go easy, I promise." She closes the space between us and pulls me in for a sloppy kiss that was full of lust.

It takes all my strength to push her off of me, but I finally get her off. "Kate, no means no. What's gotten into you? Are you feeling okay?"

"No, I'm not... You know what would make me feel better?" She asks in a suddenly sweet tone, which honestly kinda scared me. Especially under these circumstances.

"What?" I'll admit, I kinda regret asking that.

"Getting into you." Once again she kisses me, putting all her weight and strength into staying on me.

I try my best to push her off of me but she's too strong for me. Her hand starts to travel up my dress and her other hand pins my hands above my head. This definitely was not how I wanted to lose it. I hear Hanna walk in, thank God. She must've seen me struggling because she pulls Kate off of me.

"Kate, what the hell! Why are you acting so shit faced?" Hanna yells at her.

"Calm down, fatass. We were just having a little fun." Kate has a smirk on her face.

"From the looks of it, you were the only one having fun!" Hanna shouts at her. I quickly stand up and move next to Hanna.

"Is there something wrong with having sex with your girlfriend?" She tries to defend.

"If she doesn't want to then yes, it's wrong." Hanna argues.

"I just thought Ms. QueenBee over here would've wanted to lose her V-Card by now." Kate shoots back. Hanna looks at me surprised.

"Don't laugh." She quickly drops her surprised face at my words.

"I'm not laughing, just a little bit surprised." Hanna says then turns back to Kate. "So maybe Ali's pure, that doesn't mean you take that from her."

"I'm saving myself for someone I love."

"What are you saying?" Kate asks, looking hurt.

"If it wasn't obvious, we're done. Alison and Kate isn't a thing anymore." I spit at her.

Hanna flashes her a smile and Kate stomps upstairs to her room. I turn to Hanna and pull her in for a hug.

"Thanks for helping me, Han." She squeezes me reassuringly.

"I wasn't going to stand there and watch you get raped." She pulls away from our hug. "Now, let's go to your house, order food, and watch 'Friends'." She says. "I'd say we should hang out here but the wicked bitch of the West is upstairs." I laugh at her comment.

"Why 'Friends'?" I ask while walking towards the front door.

"Because I know it's your favorite show." She says while opening the door.

"No, it's not."

"Oh, right. It's my favorite show." She laughs a little bit. "You can choose what we eat."

"Gee, thanks Han." We walk out the door and start walking to my house.

Neither of us had our cars at the moment. Kate had driven me here, to hers and Hanna's house. Hanna on the other hand has four unpaid parking tickets so her parents took the keys, and the spare, until she could pay them off.

"Ugh, I hate walking." Hanna groans. Her feet start dragging, causing dust to rise up into the air.

"Hanna, we've been walking for ten minutes, my house is just around the block."

"That's ten minutes too much. Carry me." She whines.

"Why aren't you being sympathetic? I just broke up with my girlfriend."

"Would you like me to buy you a tub of ice cream so you can eat it while watching romantic movies and crying your eyes out while telling me how 'great' you thought it was going?" She says sarcastically.

"...No, but I'm still not carrying you."


"She wasn't even that hot." I tell Spencer as we walk to her car.

"You need to learn how to let people down easy, Em. At this point you just seem like a bitch."

"I didn't mean to be harsh with her. I'm just looking for the right girl. One that I'd be willing to go the extra mile for. A relationship that'll last more than a couple of weeks." I tell her.

"Relationships like that don't just fall out of the sky, Em. It's not like shopping for a pair of skinny jeans, you can't just find them anywhere. You can't just hook-up and flirt with every girl you lay eyes on." She lectures.

Spencer, unfortunately was right. I can't be flirting with everyone. She would know, she's been with her boyfriend for almost a year.

"Where are we going?" I ask once we pass Spencer's house.

"Aria's house." She replies simply. Unfortunately Aria also has a perfect relationship.

Aria, Spencer and I have been best friends since sixth grade. Our friendship has only grown stronger since then.

I stare out the car window as we pass houses, and trees, and kids playing outside. Couples. Happy couples. One day, Em. One day you'll fine your forever.

*I'll admit Alison and Kate is a weird pairing, that's why they broke up. Comment and leave feedback. -LostVision*

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