All These Dogs

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T W E N T Y - N I N E


February 17, 2015

Alison POV

I sat on my couch with Emily's head in my lap, she had her arms wrapped around my waist. I was playing with her hair, I accidentally knotted it so now I was trying to untangle it without pulling too hard.

"Ali...?" Emily said in a husky voice.

I'm pretty sure she had fallen asleep. No wonder she didn't say anything about her hair yet. I've been pulling it pretty hard. She'll probably be bald by the time I get it untangled.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"Why are you pulling my hair?" She asked, slightly irritated.

"I'm not..." I lied, taking my hand away from her head. "Maybe you were just dreaming." I told her.

"What would that dream be about?" She asked groggily, stretching out her arms and legs.

"I don't know... You tell me. It was your dream." She gave me a confused look but quickly shook it off.

That was a close one.

If there's one thing I've learned in the time we've been together -- Besides that Emily has a dick -- it's that she's almost always confused right when she wakes up.

It's actually really cute.

"Ali, I was wondering. Are you busy on May 21st?" She asked, still tired.

May 21st? That's pretty far ahead.

"Not that I know of... Why, what's on May 21st?" I asked.

"I have a swim meet on May 21st, and I want you to be there." She says, twirling a strand of my hair in her hand.

"I've never been to one before, though. Why this one?" I asked.

What do people even do at a swim meet? Do they just swim? Or like... Do other stuff too?

"It's a really important one." She explained.

"How so?"

"It's the last one of the year. And there's gonna be like college scouts and stuff. It's really nerve racking and I want you to be there."

"I'll be there." I gave her a small smile then kissed her softly on the lips.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you t-" I tried before Hanna came rushing down the stairs with Pip and Estella trailing behind her.

"Hey girls!" She greeted, jumping onto the couch with Emily and I.

Emily groaned and buried her face into my stomach.

"Nice to see you too." Hanna said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Emily.

"Can you blame her? We were kind having a moment here." I mentioned.

Pip had crawled onto Emily's back, causing her to grunt because even though he's a puppy, he's gotten pretty big. Estella curled up into Emily's side, between the back of the couch and Emily's side.

Pip just sat on Emily --panting as always because that's what dogs do-- waiting for me to pet him.

"Well, that's too bad. Your moment is over now." Hanna said happily.

Who does she think she is?

"Wow, Hanna." I said simply.

I put my hand on Pips back and started to stroke his fur.

"All these dogs and you're still a little bitch." I told her.

"Me? A bitch? You must be mistaken, I'm like the nicest person in the world." Hanna said, over-dramatically. Holding her hand over her heart in attempt to act hurt.

Emily started to laugh at that.

Even Emily knows how much of a bitch Hanna can be.

*I want Emison babies but I feel like that's really common... Idek*

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