I Can't Shake My Feelings

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October 13, 2014


After practice, I decided to stay at the school a while and take a shower. Hanna couldn't sleep over tonight and Jason had been sent to rehab and I hate going home to an empty house.

Once I got out of the shower I wrapped myself up in a towel and walked back out into the locker room. I almost slipped when I saw Emily sitting there on a bench playing with her fingers. I'll admit she scared me, and that showed when I accidentally dropped my towel. Emily looked up and her eyes widened when she saw me. I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment as her eyes lingered on my body.

"Oh... Uh..." Was all she could get out, she was too busy checking out my body.

"It's not polite to stare." I say while wrapping the towel back around my body.

"Sorry..." She looked down at her feet.

"It's fine, we're both girls right?" I joke, she let out a small laugh.

"Why are you still here?" She asked.

"This is my school. Why are you still here?"

"I don't have a ride back..." She says a bit embarrassed.

"You don't have a car?"

"I do... I just didn't bring it." She explains.

"Well if you wait, I'll give you a ride." I offer.

"Really? Don't you have to go home?" I shake my head lightly and walk over to my gym locker, where my clothes were.

"No, I don't think I would, even if you weren't here."

She gave me a bit of a confused look. That was until I dropped my towel again, so I could change. Her eyes darkened from what I saw but she didn't act on it.

"Wh- Why N-Not?" She stuttered.

"It's complicated." I say simply. She doesn't ask anymore questions after that, she stayed quiet.



Alison and Emily sat in Alison's car, music was blasting on the radio since neither of them knew what to talk about. Emily reached to turn down the volume, you could barely hear it now.

"Soooo..." Emily starts awkwardly. Alison takes a quick glance at Emily but quickly looked back at the road.

"Why didn't you want to go home?" Emily asked.

"I told you it's complicated." Alison said in a monotone voice.

"I can keep up." Alison sighed when she realized Emily wasn't going to drop the topic until she explained herself.

"I don't like going home to an empty house."

"Don't you have parents? Siblings?" Alison turned a bit pale at Emily's questions. She hated talking about her family.

"My dad lives in New York, and I have a brother." Alison replies.

"What about your mom?" By now Alison's grip on the steering wheel was so tight her knuckles were turning white.

"She... Uh... She died when I was fifteen." Emily looked shocked at first but that feeling quickly faded when she saw the tears in Alison's eyes threatening to spill over.

"It's not your fault." Silence filled the car for five long minutes.

"You have a brother though. What about him?" She asks hopefully.

"He recently got out of rehab so he's living with my dad." She lied. Tears were now falling down Alison's cheeks, but she didn't make a sound.

"Why don't you live with your dad?" Come on Em stop talking, she thought to herself.

" 'Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat" Alison sang with a small smile.

"What?" Emily asked confused.

" With heaven above you, there's hell over me" She sang.

"You have a nice voice." Emily compliments.

" The water is rusted, the air is unclean And for a second I feel free This is a wasteland, my only retreat "

"What song is that?" Emily asked.

"I don't expect you to know it." Alison says. "What about you?"


"Parents? Siblings? Dogs?"

"My dad's in the military, my mom works at the police station and I have an older sister, but we don't really talk since she went to college."

"Oh, I used to talk to my brother but..." Alison trailed off.


"Thanks for the ride." Emily took off her seatbelt.

"Anytime, Fields." Emily was about to exit the car but she turned back to Alison. Emily's eyes flickered back and forth between Alison's eyes and her lips several times.

"Fuck it." Emily said, taking her hand off the door handle.

Emily leaned over the console which separated the two seats. Emily pressed her lips against Alison's, Alison didn't realize what was happening until after a few seconds when she started to kiss back. The kiss was soft, slow, and sweet they both felt fireworks. They pulled away when air was needed.

"Emily," Alison gave her an apologetic look. "This can't happen." She says.

"Why not?" Emily asks hurt. "Because we go to different schools? That should have nothing to do with it."

"We're from two different worlds. Ravenswood and Rosewood."

"That doesn't affect how I feel for you." Emily says and softly strokes Alison's cheek. Emily realized which song Alison had been singing earlier.

" We fell in love and now we're both alone " Emily sang. " 'Cause I don't need any more friends Another kiss like fire on pavement We'll burn it down till the end "

"I'm sorry, Emily." Alison looked down and Emily shook her head lightly.

"Yeah, me too. See you around, Skinny Jeans." Emily exited the car and slammed the car door.

Alison let the last of her tears fall as she rested her head on the steering wheel.

To Be Continued...

*Emily wanted to get the mermaid tatoo in 6x05 Emison AF. Can we kill off Lorenzo yet? How 'bout we get rid of Sara while we're at it? We can just bury them in Spencer's backyard. Yeah? Yeah.*

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