Ch. 30

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February 20, 2015

General POV

Alison was laying in her bed, reading a magazine. Emily had left her house not too long ago, leaving Alison slightly suspicious because Emily didn't even say goodbye.

She was in the midst of a magazine article of some model she had never heard of -- but she read it anyway because she was hot -- when Emily came into her room, breathing heavier than usual.

"Hey..." Emily breathed.

"Hey," Alison said, "Why are you so out of breath?" She asked, putting her magazine to the side.

"I just... Ran up... Up the stairs." Emily said between breaths.

Alison was about to say something but Emily held up a hand to keep her from talking. She waited for Emily to catch her breath, which didn't take long.

"Come on!" Emily said excitedly, pulling Alison off her bed. "Grab a sweater and some shoes."

"Emily, I can't grab anything with you pulling on my arm." Alison said with laughter. "Where are we even going?"

Emily let go of Alison's arm and let her grab her shoes.

"It's a surprise." Emily said excitedly.

"So is this the part where you blindfold me and take me someplace super romantic and we just-"

"No, nothing romantic. There's not an ounce of romance in my entire body." Emily admitted.

"That can't be true." Alison said, putting on her shoes.


"Let's go, Ali." Emily said, opening the door for her girlfriend.

Alison stepped out of the car and looked around.

"Why are we in the woods?" Alison asked.

"You'll see..." Emily went around the car and opened up the trunk, pulling out a blanket and a picnic basket.

"Ooh, a picnic? And you say there's not a single ounce of romance in your body." Alison teased.

Emily rolled her eyes then took Ali's hand and started walking deeper into the woods.

"Don't forget where we are." Emily told her.

"Is that a threat? You're not going to murder me, are you?" Alison asked.

"If I was going to kill you, I would've done it already."

She gave Emily a funny look.

"What? It's true! We've been alone in the woods on more than one occasion, trust me, I would've."


Emily led her to a clearing with once giant tree a little off to the side.

"I don't think I've ever been here before." Alison said, thinking out loud.

"But wait, there's more." Emily said, mocking all of the cliché infomercials that are on tv at 3am.

Emily led Ali across the patchy grass and around the tree, there  was a tire hanging from a thick rope. Around the tire in bold silver letters read:

'Emily Fields + Alison DiLaurentis'

"Aww Em, that's cute."

"Are you still teasing me?" Emily put their stuff down and walked over to the swing, slipping herself into it, her feet were slightly dangling off the ground.

"Come on, come swing around with me." Emily said sweetly.

"We're going to get stuck in there." Alison bit her lip nervously.

"I wouldn't want to be stuck in this thing with anyone else but you."

Alison broke into a smile and walked over to the swing.


"Okay now, how do we get out?" Alison asked.

"I think we just have to-" Emily was cut off by the two of them falling out of the swing and onto their backs.

Emily landed with a grunt and Alison landed with a giggle.

"That didn't hurt as much as I thought it would." Alison laughed, sitting up.

"You'd be saying differently if I landed on top of you." Emily said, sitting up from under Alison.

"You've been on top of me before." Alison pointed out. 

"But have I ever fallen on top of you?"

"I'm hungry." Alison said, changing the subject. "What did you bring?" She asked, opening up the picnic basket.

"Yeah... About that..." Emily said, laughing nervously.

Alison dumped out the contents of the basket onto the blanket Emily had brought.

"Juice boxes, grapes, and cherries." Alison said,

"I can't cook." Emily stated bluntly.

"I can tell." Alison said, poking open a juice box and taking a long sip from the straw.

"I'm pretty hungry too." Emily said, scooting closer to the blanket.

"Here, have a grape." Alison tossed a grape at Emily who ultimately caught the grape in her mouth.

"I bet you can't do that." Emily said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well you'd lose that bet." Alison said cockily.

Emily raised her eyebrows then tossed a grape at Alison. The grape hit the tip of Alison's nose then fell to the ground.

"No fair! I wasn't ready." She pouted.

Emily shrugged and threw another one at her girlfriend, it bounced off her forehead causing Emily to laugh.

"Oops, you missed again." Emily teased.

She tossed another one at Alison, hitting her cheek.

"And again, you know you're pretty bad at this." Emily teased.

Alison rolled her eyes at the brunette and looked away, only giving Emily another shot at her.

She tossed another at Alison, this one fell down her shirt.

"Yikes, you were way off on that one." Emily laughed.

Alison pulled the grape out of her shirt and looked at it for a quick second.

"I'm going to kill you, Fields!" Alison said, hopping to her feet. Emily scrambled to her feet as well.

"I'd love to see you try, Skinny Jeans." Emily challenged.

Once those words flowed out of Emily's mouth, the war had begun.

*We found porno magazines in one of my classes. Later we found out they belonged to one of my teachers. smh*

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