Your Highness

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January 20, 2015

Alison POV

"You said we were going shopping." Hanna whines once I start speeding down the street towards Rosewood.

"I lied." I say simply.

"Yeah, I can see that." Hanna says annoyed. "Why are you taking me with you?"

"Because I don't want to drive there and back alone." I tell her.

"Yeah but once we get there you and your girlfriend are gonna go make out and other hot gay stuff and I'm gonna be stuck with the little short girl and the smart ass." She complains.

"No, we're not. Her parents have under 24 hour surveillance, the only place she can catch a break is at work." I explain. "And they have names, the short one is Aria and the smart ass is Spencer."

"Spencer kinda sounds like a smart ass name." Hanna laughs.

"Why do hate her so much?" I ask.

"She thinks she's better than me." Hanna scoffs. "God knows that's not possible."


"Hanna, I just want so see her really quick." I say, pulling her out of the car and onto the loose gravel that made up the road.

Of course, Hanna being Hanna, she fell on her ass. Which cause her jeans to rip slightly.

After my little laughing fit, I decided to help Hanna up. She stared at my extended hand for a few second before grabbing it and pulling herself up.

"Did you really have to laugh that long?" Hanna asked, pushing the doors open and entering The Brew.

"What else are friends for?" I laughed.

Once we entered, Hanna's eyes locked on the familiar brunette sitting across the room, reading a book and drinking coffee.

"You wanna go say hi to your bestie?" I laughed, gesturing towards Spencer.

Hanna gave me the fakest smiled she could muster and walked over to Spencer, sitting down across from her. Spencer gave her a weird look before closing her book and placing it to the side. I keep my eye on them for a second, just to make sure they don't kill each other. Hanna and Spencer already looked annoyed at each other. Spencer kept on looking around, probably for a way outta talking to Hanna. And Hanna kept on clenching and unclenching her fists.

I hope they punch each other, that would be interesting to see.

After making sure they won't kill each other, I continue on my mission to find Emily. Which wasn't hard, she was standing behind the counter, like usual. She wasn't paying attention to anything going on around her, she was too busy staring at her phone screen.

"What're you doing?" I ask, walking up the counter.

"Oh, nothing. Just sending my girlfriends a text." She said, smiling down at her phone, not looking up at me for a second. "What can I get for you?" She was still lost in her phone.

Talk about bad service. 

"For starters, I would like a kiss." Her head snapped up at my words. She smiled when she realized it was me.

"Ali, what're you doing here?" She asked surprised, then leaned over the counter to give me a soft kiss.

"I just wanted to see you." She had a huge grin on her face which quickly faded. I heard heavy footsteps walk up behind me.

I wonder who that could be... Emily's super protective father that is also really intimidating because he's in the fucking army? Most likely.

I turned around, and sure enough there was Mr.Fields standing in front of me, his feet planted firmly on the ground, perfect posture, arms crossed, looking down at me -- Both physically and mentally--, with a stern and disapproving look on his face. I took a small step back so that I wouldn't have to crane my neck to look him in the eyes.

"What're you doing here, blondie?" He asked.

Blondie? I hate it when people call me that. Just cause my hair is blonde.

"My name's Alison and I'd appreciate if you'd call me that."

"Answer the question." He ordered.

I hate being ordered around. I'm not kind of slave or prisoner or whatever you want to call it. I don't take orders from anyone, unless in bed.

"I don't know how you treat your little army buddies but I'm not one of them, I don't take orders from you." I snap, looking him right in the eyes. He keeps a straight face, not faltering for a second.

"Who sharpened your tongue, young lady?"

"I'm just here to visit my girlfriend." I tell him, calmly. I turn back to Emily, who has an amused look on her face an order a coffee.

"Ali, let's get out of here." Hanna runs up to me, almost panicked and starts tugging on my arm.

"Hanna, relax. At least let me get my coffee." I laugh.

Hanna looked around, and snatched a cup of coffee out of the nearest persons hand. She handed it to me.

"Hanna, I don't want someone's old coffee."

"Okay fine, your highness." she said, and gave the coffee back to the guy she had taken it from.

*Why the fuck did Lorenzo need a fucking sling after getting hit with foam balls? Seriously. What the fuck? Not to mention Ali in 6x08, she isn't an actual soccer mom, get your shit together Ali. She needs to go, manipulate people and slay a bitch or something bc Ali's so pathetic rn.*
*Lemon/Lime flavored fizzy drinks don't always make you feel better when you're feeling sick. Thanks a lot, mom...*

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