Discussing Ali's Ex

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*I got my laptop back, and I'm writing on it instead of on my phone so, sorry if the format is a little different from other chapters. Hopefully it doesn't break again *



December 24, 2014

General POV

Emily sat in her jeans and bra on a half naked Alison who was currently half asleep and trying to get Emily to leave.

"Em, if you don't go your mom is going to hate me. You promised you'd be home today." Alison whined, trying to push Emily off of her.

"I'll only go if you come with me." Emily protests, crossing her arms.

"Why do you want me to go so badly?" Alison asked.

"Because you'll make everything better." Emily said, "And, I want you to meet my parents."

"I've already met your mom, besides I promised Hanna I'd spend Christmas with her and her family. And with Pip and Estella, I need to take care of them too." Alison explained.

"I'm not talking about my mom..." Emily trailed off, Alison gave her a confused look. "My dad..."

"Exactly, your dad'll be there, I wouldn't want to ruin family time with him." Alison said, "And I still have to deal with Hanna."

"Wait, you're spending it with Hanna and her family?" Emily asked, putting the pieces together.

Emily didn't have the happiest look on her face, which only made Alison more uncomfortable with telling her the truth, the whole truth.

"Yeah..." Alison answered, nervously. "It's not what you think." Alison said as Emily huffed.

"You're spending Christmas with your ex-girlfriend, instead of your current one?"

"No, I just said it's not what you think." Alison said calmly. "I'm spending it with Hanna and her family, if it'll make you feel better, I'll pretend Kate doesn't even exist."

"It doesn't." Emily said softly and climbed off of Alison.

Emily grabbed her shirt and shoes and left the room. Alison threw her head back in frustration, and closed her eyes for a second. She took a deep breath before deciding to get up and go find Emily.

She threw on her robe and walked down the stairs, looking for Emily. As soon as she got downstairs she felt a soft breeze blowing, causing her robe to rise up a little bit.

Emily had left the back door open.

Alison walked out to her backyard and stood in the doorway, smiling at what she was seeing.

Emily was laying out in the grass while Pip and Estella took turns jumping and climbing over her. Alison walked over and laid down besides Emily, she held Emily's hand in hers.

"If it makes you that uncomfortable, then I won't go..." Alison said softly.

"No, no it's fine." Emily sighed. "I just don't like that you're spending time with your ex."

"I'm not spending time with Kate, I'm hanging out with Hanna... And Kate just happened to be there." Alison said, "But like I said, I'll pretend like she doesn't even exist."

"Yeah but..." Emily trailed off.

"But what?" Ali asked softly.

"You used to love her and..."

"I love you now." Alison smiled. "And I never really loved her so..."

"Didn't you guys date for like a year?" Emily asked.

"Seven months." Alison corrected. "I think..."

"Why did you guys break up?" Emily asked curiously.

"Didn't we already talk about this?" Alison asked, taking a deep breath. Emily just shook her head. "How about some breakfast?" Alison said, standing up.

"Nope. Nope. Nope." Emily grabbed Alison's wrist and pulled her down, making her sit on  Emily's stomach. "You're not getting out of it this time, especially if you're hanging out with her." Emily said.

"You know, you look really hot right now." Alison said, biting her bottom lip.

"Uh-huh, now spill." Emily said.

Alison sighed and rolled her eyes.


"Well...?" Alison asked expectantly.

"I wasn't expecting that." Emily said, sipping her coffee.

Alison was about to answer but Emily's phone buzzed. Emily picked it up, reading the text message.

"I have to go." Emily sighed. "Mom's mad." She said, pulling Alison in for a hug.

Alison buried her face into Emily's shoulder. "I love you." She mumbled.

"I love you too, and I'll see you in a few days." Emily said, while they walked to the front door.

"Bye babe." Emily kissed Ali softly then walked out the door.

"Bye," Ali said, slightly confused.

"Oh and don't let that bitch touch you!" Emily called.

"Who? Hanna?" Alison laughed, while Emily glared at her.

*This chapter was kinda boring. I'm running out of ideas, I have a bunch for later in the story tho, I just don't want to make a huge time jump. Any ideas anyone?*

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