Ch. 32

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T H I R T Y - T W O


February 25, 2015

General POV

"Hanna, you really need to stop getting in trouble." Alison said through the phone. "I'm getting bored, being here all alone."

"What about that sexy girl of yours?" Hanna teased. "Where is she?"

"She went back home, she had work today." Alison sighed. "And school."

"Then go visit her, we all know you won't be going back to school any time soon."

"I'm thinking about dropping out, what do you think?" Alison asked.

"You don't want to finish high school?" Hanna asked in shock. She knew Alison hated school but she always thought that Ali would at least finish high school.

"Maybe I'll take some classes online or something but I'm tired of this in-class bullshit." Alison says.

"What does your dad think about it? He's still technically in charge of you." Hanna pointed out.

"I don't know and I don't really care. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't care either."

"Yeah okay, I have to go. The step bitch is back. Bye Ali, and why don't you pay that girlfriend of yours a little visit." Hanna hung up her phone without giving Alison a chance to respond.

"Well that was rude." Alison mumbled to herself.

Alison looked around the huge house she had all to herself for a bit, going into the rooms that had been vacant since she could remember.

She took notice in every single crack in the wall and chip in the old paint which had been there since before she was born. She didn't go through every single room, just the majority of them, then decided that it was time for a little remodeling because the once beautiful house was starting to resemble a house that belonged in a horror movie.

And Alison hated horror movies, although she knew they were fake her overactive imagination always found a way to convince her otherwise. She was a complete baby when it came to scary things.

She looked around a bit more before deciding that she would need some help with remodeling the entire house. And who's better to ask than her girlfriend, Emily. But why ask her over a text when she could ask in person? Which was a much better idea, and getting to see Emily was a bonus.


Ali walked into The Brew, only to find Emily and that one skank hugging, again. Alison walked over to the two girls and cleared her throat to make her presence known.

"Aww, look at the happy couple." Alison said sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No need to be jealous... Well, nothing obvious anyway." The skank said, looking Ali up and down.

"You know that apron you're wearing looks really uncomfortable. Why don't you slip into something more comfortable like... A coma?" Alison snapped.

"Geez, what's you're problem?"

"You're my problem. Stay away from Emily." Alison said angrily. "I really don't want matters to get worser."

"Worser? Wow, I wish your brain was even half the size of your boobs." She said while Alison looked down at her breasts, slightly offended.

"Can you even hear me with your head shoved that far up your ass?! Stay. Away. From. Emily." Alison said through gritted teeth.

"Maybe you should leave." Emily said to the girl, finally stepping in.

The tan brunette gave Emily a small smile and walked away, and oh boy, Alison was pissed.

Alison looked at Emily for a second, then turned on her heel and walked out of The Brew with Emily following close behind. Alison got in her car and was about to drive away but Emily got into the passenger seat.

"Can you leave?" Alison asked, not looking at Emily.

"Not until you look at me." Emily said simply.

Alison sighed and looked up at Emily.

"Ali, it's like you don't trust me." Emily said softly, taking Ali's hand in hers.

"I trust you, just not that slut."

"There's nothing to worry about, Ali. I'm all yours." Emily leaned in and gave her a soft kiss.

"Okay, but if she tried anything I swear I'll-"

"Okay Ali, I get it." Emily laughed.

"Can I ask you something?" Alison asked.


"Are my boobs too small?" She asked.

"What?" Emily laughed lightly.

"Do I need a boob job?"

"No, your boobs are perfect." Emily said, licking her lips.

"Keep it in your pants Em, you have a shift to finish."

*My school is so questionable it's just... Ugh.*

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