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T W E N T Y - S E V E N


February 14, 2015

General POV

Alison stood at her closet, with multiple boxes on the floor. She sifted through her clothes trying to decide what to get rid of and what to keep.

She sighed at her now more than half-empty closet and looked around her room. She noticed how she had completely dismissed the idea of actually using the boxes as she looked at the mounds of clothes at had piled up on the floor of her bedroom.

I am one sloppy piece of work, Alison thought to herself as got down on her hands and knees to neatly fold up the clothes and place them into the boxes.

"Knock, knock." Someone said, knocking on the doorframe of Ali's bedroom door.

She looked up from her clothes, most of which were now sprawled across the floor. She smiled when she saw who it was.

"Hey Em."

"Hey Ali." Emily walked over to her and sat on a mound of clothes beside Alison. "What're you doing?" She asked, looking at all the clothes, sprawled out on the floor.

"Just cleaning out my closet." Alison said casually. She started tossing things into the boxes.

"Why? You look smoking hot in all of this." Emily says, holding up a tiny black skirt.

Alison huffed and snatched the skirt out of Emily's hands, tossing it into the nearest box.

"What's wrong, babe?" Emily asked, scooting closer to Alison.

"Why does everyone think something's wrong?" Alison snapped.

"Because you've been short with everyone since I came back for you. Please, tell me what's wrong." Emily said, moving from the floor and onto Alison's bed.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything's just perfect." Alison stood up and began to walk towards the door.

Emily stood up, grabbed her wrist and spun her around. She sat back down on Alison's bed, pulling her down with her.

"You can't leave until you tell me what's going on." She placed Alison in her lap and held her there like that.

Emily couldn't help but feel like it was her fault Alison was feeling like this. Even though She didn't know exactly what Alison was feeling after all, no one did.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked softly.

"No! Why would I be mad at you?" Alison said, wrapping her arms around Emily's neck.

"I don't know... Maybe you're mad because I hit Kate."

"I could never be mad at you for hitting her. If anything, I wish I was there to watch." She ran her fingers through Emily's thick, long dark hair.

Alison pulled Emily in for a sweet kiss that quickly got heated.

"I know what you're trying to do." Emily mumbled against Alison's mouth.

"Yeah? What's that?" Alison asked, moving down to kiss along Emily's jawline.

"You think that having sex will make me forget how upset you are so you won't have to tell me why." Emily explains, trying not to give in to Alison's sweet kisses along the length of her neck.

"I'm just a little frustrated, that's all. Maybe you can help me out... A lot."

Alison pulled off her own shirt and tossed it to the floor, doing the same with Emily's.

She rolled over, laying down on her back, pulling Emily with her. Emily gave in seeing Alison under her. She positioned herself between Alison's legs and crashed their lips together.

She left a trail of kisses down her jawline and down to her neck as Alison lets out a small moan.

Alison POV

I felt Emily harden between my legs, causing me to get aroused even more than I already was, if that's even possible.

I really love Emily so much, I kinda feel bad for not telling her what's going on. I just need to get all my information together before I tell anyone what's wrong.

She pulled away from my neck and looked me right in the eyes before crashing our lips together once again. God, I'm so in love with her. I really do want us to grow up with each other and eventually have kids and get married and have our own home and be able to say she's all mine and always will be all mine.

She carefully took off the rest of my clothes, not breaking the kiss for a second.

"I love you so much." I tell her, tracing her face with the tip of my finger. Over her eyes, her nose, her lips and along her jawline.

"I love you so much more." I watched her hands traced my bare skin with her fingertips, and her lips slightly parted into a sly smirk.

She started to trail wet kisses up and down my body, sucking softly on my skin.

"You're so beautiful." Emily whispered and pecked me lightly. Her eyes scanned my body, she licked her lips hungrily. She reached over to my nightstand and pulled out a condom.


"Fuck, Emily." I moaned as she thrusted in and out of me.

She leaned down and kissed me passionately, she grabbed ahold of my wrists and pinned them above my head and quickened her pace.

"Fuck," Emily breathed before collapsing on top of me.

"That. Was. Amazing." I told her between breathes.

"Yeah it was." She agreed, kissing me softly. She took off her condom and tossed it into the trash before turning back to me.

"I love you." She gave me a soft kiss.

"I love you too." I moved as close to her as I could get and she placed a soft kiss on the top of my head.

I felt my eyelids starting to get heavy as I started to drift off to sleep. That was until Jason got back.

"Ali, I'm home!" He shouted from downstairs.

Emily looked at me questioningly. "Who's that?"

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