Chapter 10

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Eliana fingered the bracelet. It was pretty sure enough. The beads glinted white gold in the light but one flashed a brilliant blue for some reason. It was gorgeous, more than gorgeous actually. It was stunning, even better than Lyndsey's necklace. The ring from Waylen was a disappointment especially everyone got one! Ugh. She wished she got something proper from him, not just a panic switch even though it was really cool and designed by Dex, the most talented Technopath Emissary. 

She studied the ring carefully. The panic switch, the sapphire, had to be carefully placed in or the whole thing would go BOOM. The sapphire also had to be connected to wires of some sort to help with the alarm. Her thinking was interrupted by her Imparter ringing.

"Hey Eliana! Guess what!" shouted Lyndsey into the speaker. Eliana winced before smiling. "What?" "I manifested as an Inflictor! Unfortunately, my mentor for Inflicting is Lady Elizabeth. She's the worst. In detention, Waylen said she whipped him." Eliana frowned. "We went to detention once together though. Like, 2-3 days ago. She didn't whip him."

Lyndsey growled with anger. "It's Waylen-lies again! My gosh! Anyway, bye!" "Bye," said Eliana but it was too late. Lyndsey had already hung up. Eliana put her Imparter on her desk and sat on her bed, slumped over. She was tired and was so ready to go to sleep but she felt lonely.

Willow, her Squishmallow, stared at her like, Stop being ridiculous. Loads of people like you. You're just so dramatic. Eliana sighed. "You're right Willow. I should follow your instructions."

At school in the next day

Eliana hoped that the bracelet wasn't too much. It was really pretty but she wasn't sure about it. The only other extra addition was the panic switch ring that Waylen had gave them. She wondered if the sapphire meant something whilst Lyndsey got an emerald and Lia got a blue tourmaline. Eliana knew she had sapphire specks in her ice blue eye and gold flecks in her brown eye. Did that mean something?

Her philosophical thinking was interrupted by the fans of Waylen glaring at her. Eliana twisted the ring nervously and smiled. The fans scowled even deeper. One girl said, "You're awfully brave to actually approach us when we hate you." Eliana protested, "You stopped in front of me, it's not my fault!" 

The fans stared at the girl in the middle and Eliana's brain clicked. That was Caterina. Oh, right. She heard about the rumours that Caterina and her friend group all had enormous crushes on Waylen. Waylen might've known about it but Eliana wasn't so sure about that. 

Suddenly, Waylen appeared again next to her. It was becoming a habit now and Eliana definitely felt her face getting redder and redder. "Oh, hi!" she squeaked. Waylen rolled his eyes as the fangirls squealed and bombarded him with questions. He ducked and ran off. The fangirls followed after him, still shouting. Eliana sighed and went to her locker. 

School was uneventful apart from the fact that they had to partner up for an assignment. The teacher chose though and Lady Elizabeth chose for Eliana, Lyndsey and Lia. Lyndsey was to go with Finn (she looked really happy), Lia went with her older brother and Eliana was partnered with Haysen. Caterina got to go with Waylen which she was really happy about. Waylen locked eyes with Eliana and mimed pressing his panic switch which was nearly the same shade of blue as one of her bracelet beads. Her stomach flipped. What did that mean?

Haysen smiled shyly at her and she felt her heart go pitter-patter. She blushed and shook hands. "I don't think we've interacted much, it's been a busy couple of weeks," she said, trying to be confident. Haysen nodded. "Midterms and preparation, there's not a lot of time to do anything but study!" They laughed.

"So, we should get on with Elementalism, shouldn't we?" he asked. Eliana smiled. "I guess. Let's go to Moonglade. That place has the best view and, bonus points, there isn't as much people." He nodded. "Sounds like a plan Miss Foster-Sencen. After you?" She gave him a grin as they walked past.

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