~ 5: And we continue ~

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Back to the cult, how much time had passed since the lamb had set out on that crusade? No fucking idea, but it had been at least a day. Let's not dwell on that; there are still things to do! Our protagonist approached his mentor to inquire about what was next.

Meanwhile, Mili looked at the first boss Lamb had managed to defeat; she didn't seem pleased to see them, yet she approached. Standing in front of the indoctrination circle where Amdusias knelt, she seemed reluctant to start a conversation but spoke nonetheless.

... Amdusias. – Her tone was serious, maintaining a firm stance.

 – Her tone was serious, maintaining a firm stance

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They looked up, meeting the gaze of the cow. – Ha, I see you've managed to survive C- – Interrupted by the serious voice of the cow.

I no longer use that name, Amdusias. Here, you shall call me Mili. – She looked at the worm with a mix of anger and disdain.

Oh, I see you've fully embraced the red crown, but well, that was to be expected from an insignificant sacrifice like you. – Despite kneeling, Amdusias looked at the cow with superiority.

Ha! Don't even say it; I would have taken any chance to get out of Darkwood. – She rolled her eyes, then smiled. – And what about you? You may look like crap, but I expected someone who claimed to be so loyal to Leshy to put up more resistance. Or have you tired of trying to compete with the little fox? – She chuckled, noticing Lamb's return. – Oh, the leader is back; well then, see you at work, Amdusias. – She gave an ironically friendly smile and walked away.

Ugh, damn cow, should be dead right now. – Amdusias muttered, unable to do much but stay in the indoctrination circle.

The lamb approached the circle after talking to Ratau, having instructions on what to do and ready to continue with all this shit.

Heeeey, how's it going? – Lamb spoke with his characteristic enthusiasm, receiving nothing but silence in response. – ... Hey, can you talk or something? Nod your head up and down for yes or side to side for no.

Amdusias sighed. – Yes, I can speak, lamb. – There was some annoyance in their voice, but they tried to hide it.

Ah, piola. – Lamb smiled. – Then welcome to my cult! Population, that girl over there. – He pointed to Mili. – And now you, and yep, you have no choice in that... But hey, would you like to tell me your name or- – was interrupted.

Amdusias, my name is Amdusias, non-binary worm, greetings bearer of the red crown. – Formal, with a hint of contempt concealed.

Why so formal? Well, nice to meet you, Amdusias, you can call me Lamb. – Extended his hand, and when the worm took it, Lamb lifted them a bit and changed their clothes to the cult's ones. – And apparently, I'll be your leader now. – Chuckled briefly. – Well, we'll have to work because if not, this won't work, so yours will be cut trees.

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