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The Moon: Ruler of Emotions

As the ruler of the tides, it is fitting that the Moon should be the ruler of our emotions. Still waters run deep? Making waves? A wellspring of emotion? Yes, our emotions have long been portrayed in terms of the sea: fluid, momentous, churning from within. Mood swings, instinct, how we feel about things, and how our feelings affect others are all influenced by the Moon.

Whereas the Sun gives us our spirit, it's the Moon that gives us our soul.

strong emotions ~ mood swings

Taehyung doesn't tell Jungkook about how he feels, instead, he pretends everything is alright, and momentarily, as it has always been for the past two years, it indeed felt alright, until recently.

Taehyung has never been the type to be jealous or act on instinct, he is a good listener and likes to communicate. Besides all that, he knows Jungkook, he knows he is loyal and they worked hard on building their current relationship on trust.

Back when he and Jungkook weren't a thing, at least not officially yet, the two and the volleyball team went out to celebrate their first victory. Taehyung remembers vividly, to this day, how fresh, young, and full of life Jungkook looked that night, at the club, surrounded by people, dancing and enjoying himself. He was a simple, youthful student, having fun, but for Taehyung, he was a universe he was madly desperate to explore.

There was nothing he wished more than to simply fleet himself in his direction and kiss him then and there, in front of everyone. But he knew better than that, and so, he ended up overthinking it, as he usually does.

Jungkook is the most handsome of them all, the volleyball team captain, he is popular, and everyone wants a taste of him, to this day. Whenever he walks down the halls of the university building, people turn around, just to look at him, just to get a glimpse.

He's been approached more than five times that night, by different people, but his eyes never left Taehyung's. It was a chemistry that was forming between them at the time, something Taehyung has never been able to put a name on, but the flame, the attraction, it's been there since the beginning.

That night, the club was overly crowded, the music was loud, and there were way too many people in their group for either of them to keep up,

But as if it's been written in the stars, the philosophy of Jungkook and Taehyung and their connection was simple. Whenever their eyes met, it was just the two of them, and the rest of the world was forgotten.

It was that specific night that brought Taehyung face to face with that reality. He and Jungkook needed to be together. His vision changed, back then. He understood there was no going back, they were made for each other and there was no use fighting against the strings of destiny. It was them, and it's been them since the first time they pronounced each other's names.

It has always been them, and nothing would ever change that.

Taehyung trusts Jungkook with his life, still, yet he is getting tired of pretending, and he is getting tired of Jungkook staying oblivious to his deeply hidden feelings. It isn't Jungkook's fault that he isn't aware of it, but something deep down, inside Taehyung, makes him wish Jungkook would eventually notice.

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