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Love is an echo

Uranus: The Planet of Rebellion

Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness.

confidence ~ anticipation

Taehyung and Jungkook are in a happy place right now or better said, they have always been, and it was Taehyung's fault for perceiving his relationship differently. But now Taehyung has his chance to take a breather.

He is well aware, it is not going to be easy, but he can grow into a mature person, and that's his goal, to work on himself, and not let external factors affect the relationship he has with Jungkook. He chose to be happy, live with less worry, and trust himself. What's for him, is gonna be there for him when he is ready for it.

In the meantime, he is happy to be surrounded by good people, an understanding family, a dream that he can run towards, and the hottest and most loving boyfriend on campus.

Summer break had just started, and he managed to pass his finals, a bit clumsily, but he did nonetheless, and he was happy with the results. He doesn't care much about anything but his sports results at this point, and he has realized that the closest he is to finding some more inner peace, the easier it gets for him to stay focused during a volleyball game.

He is in Jungkook's apartment now, already finished with his look as Jungkook is in his bedroom, putting on his clothes, and getting ready to look his best.

One thing he loves about Jungkook's apartment is that it is huge, and the walls are colored in a creamy, gradient yet minimalist color. The furniture is modern and simple, yet it is decorating the living room with just the perfect amount.

He hopes he can move in with Jungkook one day, he might add a couple of paintings to the wall, and some more color to their bedroom, but one thing he wouldn't change is the mirror in the hallway.

Taehyung still remembers the first day he entered Jungkook's apartment, the moment he truly accepted the fact that Jungkook and his family were, indeed, well-off. He visited him with Yoongi, during the first year of university, Jungkook invited them over to have a game night since Yoongi and Taehyung didn't have a PlayStation at the dorm. And oh boy, Taehyung was stunned.

The first thing Taehyung had noticed upon entering the hallway was the huge mirror. He stopped to stare at his reflection. His hair was ravished from the windy weather, and he was wearing basic, casual, cheap clothes, yet there was something about that mirror that pulled him in.

As if he had a momentary realization, he felt like he wasn't watching himself, he was watching a sophisticated student, a pretty face, and his amazing curves. He had never seen himself in such a good light, maybe it had something to do with the warm, neon lights surrounding the mirror, or maybe, it was just his mind playing games, maybe, Jungkook and everything that surrounded him made Taehyung feel better about himself.

Maybe Jungkook was Taehyung's trigger, to a different life, but he couldn't ever tell, not then, not now.

But as he looks in the mirror, he drags his hand over his perfectly styled curls, and he once again likes what he sees. Taehyung isn't a narcissist, it is just the mirror, but the mirror tells him that the way he styled his silky, silver shirt, with his large fit fabric pants, looks great on him.

He barely gets the chance to smirk at himself as Jungkook sneaks from behind, almost surprising him when he slides one arm around his waist. Jungkook's hair has gotten so long recently, he started wearing it in a bun, especially during games. Right now, however, he let his curls loose. He had on a short sleeve black shirt and a very unsettling pair of ripped jeans, revealing way too much skin. The contrast between them is stark, yet it is so them. Jungkook loves to show off his full-sleeve tattoos, and Taehyung loves to see people spiraling when he casually walks his long fingers over the intricate designs of those tattoos.

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