Chapter 2

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Only dim artificial lights decorated the entrance hall. However, not a single one hung from the ceiling. Jasper liked his darkness, it seemed. Images he recognized lined the walls, adding to the intriguing atmosphere.

Not that he had much time to consider it all, as he was shoved against said wall by a pair of surprisingly strong hands.

"You care about who's on who?"



As Evan climbed onto the bed, he saw Jasper walk in another direction. With his back to Evan, he rummaged through a dresser that stood right below a black part of the otherwise white bedroom wall. It had hooks scattered across it. On them, a large assortment of leather and metal 'devices'.

He didn't get more time to observe it, as Jasper sauntered toward the bed, familiar necessities in hand.

"Don't give me that look. That's where the budget goes."

Evan chuckled, re-examining the nearest parts of the room. There was a clock on the wall above him, and a blindfold lying on the nightstand beside him. It didn't have any drawers, which explained Jasper's need to get the lube and packets from somewhere else.

"Hey, I mean, your bedroom is both big and has all of this. I can admire dedication like that."

"Why, thank you." He emptied his hand onto the bed, before getting on it himself. As Jasper straddled his lap, Evan unbuttoned his own shirt and pulled it off.

Their eyes met. With a subtle smile, Jasper dropped his jacket on the floor before getting his shirt off as well.

A surprisingly athletic body... though something covered it still.

"Not bad... for an artist. I wasn't sure it was you when I saw those pictures."

"Oh, I see. You're gonna be like that, are you?"

Evan's smile widened. He traced Jasper's collarbone with his finger, curious. What hugged Jasper's bare skin was something quite unlike the bulldog harnesses he usually saw. It was a lot more intricate. The straps framed his chest nicely, while even more thin layers of leather wrapped around his waist.

"I'm so very sorry." Those words didn't hold any weight. Intentionally, of course.

"If you keep up that attitude, I'm tying you to the bed and edging you for the rest of the night."

"Is that a promise?"

Jasper grabbed the hand that was still by his collarbone and pressed it down onto the mattress. He then swiped his blindfold off the nightstand and twisted it, holding the fabric over Evan's lips.

"Anything else you need to get out before I close that pretty mouth of yours?"

That, without a doubt, made Evan's blood flow directly to his cock.

"Ah, just... Make sure to really get that frustration out. I want to feel it."

"Oh, I plan to." Jasper pressed the cloth in between Evan's teeth, wrapping it around his head, before tying a knot. However restrictive the blindfold may be, it felt soft on Evan's tongue.

Now that he wasn't getting distracted anymore, Jasper made quick work of fully undressing them both. He rolled the condom down and slathered himself in lube, spending no time loosening Evan up before shoving his cock deep inside him.

Evan's eyes shut tightly as he quivered against the disheveled bed sheets. He could feel impatience in the way Jasper moved. But considering what he saw earlier, it made sense that he was in a bit of a state. Also, that meant it wouldn't take long until...

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