Chapter 5

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He hadn't mentioned sculpting to anyone ever since he gave up on it.

But having them brought up again because of someone who didn't abandon his', was making it really hard to bury those nostalgic memories.

"You okay there, Evan? It got kind of quiet."

Oh yeah, he was still there.

Will had been starved for social interaction outside of work and ended up asking Evan to hang out. It wasn't something they did often, but Evan knew exactly how he felt and agreed to it in a heartbeat.

Their day of city exploration was coming to an end. Sadly, the streets didn't offer much for conversation, so Evan was zoning out. Neither had the restaurants, though. Coming up with things to talk to your coworker about wasn't always easy.

"All good, just some personal stuff."

"I see... It is getting a bit late, so maybe we'll end it for today."

They were getting close to some awfully familiar buildings. Now would be an ideal time to split up. These things had to be separated. Work, and... here.

"Sure, man. It's been fun."

"Yeah... Thank you. I think I needed this. Let's always keep in contact, alright? No matter what happens." Will's lip was a bit shaky when he spoke.

"No problem. And, of course, us employees gotta stick together and all that." Evan offered his sincerest smile; however, it took Will a second too long to reciprocate it.

"Right. See you."


And off he went, into the big city crowds.

Something felt a bit off about him. He hadn't been quite himself lately, but Evan didn't have any idea as to why.

It only took a second before his attention was dragged away again. When he ventured down this street, he always felt incredibly comfortable. There was a lot of extra work he had to finish at home, though, so it would only have to be a brisk walk through the area.

At least, that was the plan... But as soon as he rounded the nearest corner, his shoulder bumped against someone else's.

"I'm so sorry." Evan's eyes widened when he saw the person's face.

"It's okay, uh... Evan? Interesting to see you in such a rush."

Just seeing Jasper brought back a ton of mental images.

"Uh... You know... I don't want to get too distracted in this part of town. I have to get home."

"And here I am, not helping whatsoever, huh? I'll leave you to it then."

He was acting so polite; Evan couldn't help but be suspicious.

Jasper was the one distraction Evan couldn't seem to ignore. And he knew, didn't he? The effect he had on him.


There was that cocky smile.

"Oh, Evan..."

It didn't take even a second for them to survey their surroundings before Evan was pressed roughly against his own wall. Jasper's mouth settled on the crook between Evan's shoulder and neck, as he sucked hard on his soft skin. A low moan escaped his lips, making Jasper's lips curve up.

Evan shivered from the cold air that hit his chest when Jasper successfully unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt.

"Hurry..." Evan's voice was quiet but needy.

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