Chapter 7

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After a few soft knocks on the door, it swung open.

Jasper's expression was unreadable, and he didn't say anything.

"Uh, hi... Jasper."

Without a minute to spare, he pulled Evan inside by the arm and locked the door behind him.

Standing much closer now, Evan could see the man's intense eyes more clearly. He looked ready to slam him against the wall and do it right there, but he didn't.

Seeing the hesitance, Evan placed his hand over Jasper's'.

As they stood there, an abrupt bell sound took them out of their tense silence. Jasper retracted his hand, squeezing past Evan to get to the door. When he opened it, he was met with the face of a kind-looking older woman.

"Oh! I'm sorry for arriving so suddenly. It seems like you might be a bit busy."

"That's no issue. It's nice to see you again, Minerva."

Jasper's mood shift was a bit jarring.

"It's good to see you too. But I really wouldn't want to interrupt. How about this? I'll be in town for the week, so come see me when you get the time."

"I'd love to. Just text me the address. You know, the same way you could have told me you were coming."

"I can't surprise my own grandson a little?"

"Ah, alright... I do appreciate the visit."

The woman's smile widened, as she grabbed the door handle.

"That's all I ask. I'll see you soon."

She shut the door, leaving them in silence again. A slightly more comfortable one.

Jasper locked the door with a sigh.

"She seemed nice."

He turned to face Evan.

"Nice? Saint would be far more accurate. She's the only adult who was ever willing to take care of me."

Evan went quiet. Seeing her was clearly bringing back some not-so-pleasant memories for Jasper.

"...I'm sorry about what happened at the exhibition. It was kind of unwarranted."

"At least you understand... I shouldn't have snapped like that either."

"I do need to admit something, though. You saying that the place wasn't for me hurt more than expected. I mean, I shouldn't care about belonging there anyway, right?"

Jasper slipped past him, heading for the bedroom door.

"Well, what do you think? You told me you once wanted this life, didn't you? Or did you just find a little joy in creating something? Either way, I'm sure you have your answer already."

Evan walked up behind Jasper, who was standing in the doorway.

"To be honest... I think I'm a bit jealous of you. This whole world you've gotten into and can somehow live from. It looks so interesting. ...Fun."

"I assure you, it was never easy. Still isn't. You should be happy that you have a good job and get to live comfortably." Jasper paused.

"I often bordered on having nothing at all. It felt like a miracle when I started earning enough from my work. But that doesn't mean I'm well off now. Far from it. It's a life of uncertainty."

Evan knew he was right. He had been told that many times in the past. And yet...

"You really enjoy it though, don't you?" Evan trailed his fingers up under Jasper's shirt, making him shiver.

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