Chapter 3

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Another day, another trek to the office.

Before leaving, Evan gave the apartment a quick glance. Since he resided inside mostly empty walls, he had no issue getting the photograph up on them.

Looking at it before going to work almost felt like believing in the effects of a lucky charm, with the hopes of at least a bearable workday.

When he got to the office, the suffocating atmosphere clung to him immediately. Same as usual.

Sadly, the first interaction of the day had to be with Erwin. His 'lovely' boss. He offered no greeting, and his gaze only shone with unspoken expectations for Evan.

He didn't say anything new that Evan wasn't already prepared to hear, and yet it still felt grating.

"—That'll be all. You can leave."

The day droned on, and more emails were sent out or received. Some needed his immediate attention because of the damn signature they contained at the end. Erwin.

His lunch break wasn't much better. When he went through the company cafeteria to get his lunch and something to drink, he saw the other employees sitting and making small talk. He didn't pick up on any full conversations, but whatever it was, it sounded very contrived.

At least he was able to take his food to his office, so he could avoid the tense environment. Will even dropped by for a chat.

Unfortunately, that was probably the highlight of the day. And they weren't even that close.

He was often forced to stay late, though luckily it wasn't that bad this time.

Peace was finally within reach. He picked up his belongings and headed out of the building.

Once he was back home, his eyes landed on the same spot they had this morning. A reminder that it wasn't that long until he would be able to meet him again.

It may just be some random art exhibition, but at least it was... something. Anything.

It was early in the evening. The sun was going down, barely visible above the shorter buildings. What did short really mean in a big city like this, though?

In front of some rather unassuming architecture stood a man, leaning against it. He wore exactly what you'd expect to see at this kind of event, i.e., what he always had on. However, the blue shirt was a turtleneck today, which only fit his 'artist image' even more.

Since Evan enjoyed dressing up for occasions like this, he found it appropriate to wear a complete suit. He even had a pair of cufflinks on.

"Look at you... Someone came prepared."

What was meant to be a casual greeting was followed by Jasper keeping his eyes off Evan's with a soft red tint to his cheeks.

"Wait, what's that reaction?"

"Okay... as much as I despise corporate rats and all that, I can't deny I have a thing for suits."

Evan couldn't help but laugh.

"Mhm, I totally get it."

Jasper only responded with a grunt as he pulled the front door open.



The right corner of Jasper's lips curled up a bit.

"—With me."

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