Chapter 4

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Evan perched on the edge of Jasper's bed, a smug expression on his face. Reciprocating the look, Jasper walked past him to get to the dresser.

"Your room is so moody... In a good way."

Jasper opened one of the drawers.

"Thank you, I think. I did make sure it would feel comfortable here." He pulled out a total of four items, which included lube, condoms, safety scissors, and what appeared to be a roll of electrostatic tape. He was probably used to handling a lot of tools like that since he carried them all with such ease.


Walking over to Evan, Jasper placed it all down next to him; except for the tape.

"Got a safeword?"

"Right, uh, don't laugh. It's... Basilisk."

"Ooh... You just keep getting cuter."

"...I really need to get a new one."

"No, no, I like it. Keep it."

"Evan smiled faintly to himself.

"Ah, alright. Fine."

"Good good... Also, in case it's ever necessary, you can point to the clock on the wall in whatever way is possible at the time to stop everything. You know, if I feel like muffling you again."

Evan looked behind himself and saw the thing he had made note of the first time he came here.

"Right." When he turned back to Jasper, he was pulling some of the tape out.

"Don't worry, I'll be nice to you today. I can't speak for the future, though. Now... take it off."

Evan watched him carefully as he tugged on his tie, loosening it. After he slipped it off, he threw the slim fabric at Jasper. It landed against his shoulder for a split second, before falling to the floor.

Jasper's cheeks darkened, as Evan unbuttoned his collared shirt in a deliberately slow manner.

"You want me to hurry up, don't you, Jasper?" He dragged his name out.


Despite the answer he got, Evan kept the same pace going while dragging his shirt off. Jasper squinted his eyes.

"What's with that look?" Evan teased, placing his hands on the rim of his pants. But he stopped again, observing Jasper.

"Evan, please..."

Under Jasper's watchful gaze, his hands almost moved on their own as he hurried to get the rest of his clothes off.


That lacked any sincerity, and they were both very aware of it.

"Mhm. Watch it."

Jasper leaned closer, wrapping the tape over Evan's chest and around his biceps. He could already feel the pressure, which was making his breath shaky.

"My arms are still feeling pretty free."

When the tape had been tightened, Jasper cut the thin strap off its roll with his scissors.

"For now."

The tape got dragged over Evan's skin yet again; this time it slid under his chest and around the upper part of his forearms.

Once it was cut off as well, Jasper placed his free hand on Evan's shoulder. With a smile, he kneaded his thumb against the man's flushed skin.

"Okay, now you look way too smug."

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