Chapter 8

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Evan was sitting in his office when it happened.

Erwin personally came to the door instead of Will. His eyebrows drew together, and his lips were in a straight line, which conveyed nothing.

"Come to my office. Now."

He left as quickly as he came.

Evan wanted time to digest that. To consider what was happening. But it would be bad to leave him hanging...

It took a few minutes to get there.

The silence in his boss's grand office was as unnerving as always.

"I don't enjoy having to tell you this, but I know you two talk occasionally. So, I thought it would be best to notify you myself."

Evan walked closer, eyes intently on Erwin's. He continued.

"There's something more relevant to you as well, so please stick with me. ...Will doesn't work here anymore." He opened his mouth to speak again but stopped himself when he saw the way Evan trembled.

No way. He was the only person Evan could talk to at work. What now?


"I'm sorry. I can't give you that information. But, listen, there's something else. Though you might be a little snappy—perhaps for good reason—you've been very diligent ever since we hired you. Because of it, I've been considering offering you a promotion. Actually, I am."

The whiplash was making Evan's head spin.


"I'm sure you're aware of the pros and cons."

An opportunity to work closely with this man and the chance of really making it somewhere. That included wealth, of course.

But his free time would be nonexistent. Would he be able to spend any time with Jasper if that happened?

Also, there would be no coworker to make every day a little less tiresome.

He couldn't. There was no way he was letting go of the new world he had discovered.

"I am aware. And I don't think I can accept your offer. If possible, I'd like to keep working like I am now." He was trying to still maintain some professionalism.

Erwin didn't say anything at first. He merely studied the employee who stood in front of his desk.

"Alright. If that's what you want." It wasn't clear whether he approved of Evan's decision or not. But when were his thoughts ever obvious?

He spoke up again.

"That's all. You can go now."

With a dismissive wave of Erwin's hand, Evan left the office.

It wasn't any less suffocating in the halls of the company building, despite most of it being made of glass. He wanted so badly to just leave and go home for the day. But after that meeting, it would only be right for him to keep proving himself to his boss.

The walls trapped him inside for yet another day.

Feeling lost even during the weekend, Evan wandered around his apartment. It was all spiraling in his head.

His coworker getting fired or quitting... The decision he still wasn't sure was the right one...

He had to consider what really mattered to him if he wanted these grueling days to end.

A thought crossed his mind.

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