Chapter 6

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A week had passed.

Evan and Jasper ambled through the large doors of the venue's main entrance. Jasper had been giving Evan's suit a few looks but didn't say anything about it. They both knew what was going on; he didn't have to.

Surrounding them were a myriad of art pieces hanging on walls that were specifically constructed for them. The pieces consisted of paintings, photography, and even excerpts of writing printed out and placed in frames. They were all so different, though mostly of an experimental and sexual nature.


"What? No snarky comment?"

"Don't tempt me."

Jasper smiled, as he led him through the room by the arm.

"Isn't it great, though? So many ideas and messages these people want to get out. I love getting enveloped in all this energy and the different lives of these artists."

"How romantic."

"Okay, not the word I'd use, but fine."

Evan chuckled.

"I mean... I do get what you're saying. Kind of. Maybe."

"As long as I've made you think, I'm happy."

Evan went quiet.

"I... I've been wondering. Why do you want me to understand all of this?"

No response. Jasper had even dropped his arm. He was narrowing his eyes at 'something' behind Evan.


Jasper's voice was low. Someone?

Evan turned his head to where he was looking and saw two men heading in their direction.

"Oh, funny meeting you here." One of them spoke up; his tone was sharp. The guy next to him was leaning against his arm.

"At my own event? Yeah, crazy." Jasper visibly tensed up. This man's presence alone was doing something to him.

"Hey now, no need to act like that. I'm here to look at you and your friends' work after all."

Jasper's brows furrowed.

"There's absolutely no need for that. I'll be alright without your filthy eyes on it."

With mock surprise, Gavin turned to the one wrapped around his arm.

"Can you believe that? You're just going to let your friend talk to me like that?"

The guy didn't respond. He only looked apologetically at Jasper.

"Really? You're making your boyfriend stand up for you?"

"He's actually very good at that, you know. Just... when he wants to be. Isn't that right?" Gavin gave the man next to him a pleading look as he leaned closer to him. He completely missed Jasper's point, which was probably intentional.

This time he got a soft smile from him. They got closer, and to only Evan's surprise, locked lips. It only lasted a second, but oh, was it an unbearable one. Jasper rolled his eyes.

"Mhm... And how does my dick taste, Isaac?"

They both stepped away from each other, giving Jasper the hardest glares Evan had ever seen.

That moment made him crudely aware of the fact that he was still there, listening to what was becoming a surprisingly personal conversation.

"You can't just say that." Gavin sounded desperate. Especially so when he saw the man next to him briefly drive his fingers over his own lips.

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