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Tw: Mentions of sexual assault, a tiny mention of Rape and being drugged

Jeongin pulled into the parking lot of the dorms and looked over to Seungmin who was begging to fall asleep.

"Don't fall asleep.. I don't know how badly she drugged you.." He softly shook Seungmin before getting out of the car and walking ove to the passenger side door. "Do you think you could walk..?" Jeongin asked.

Seungmin shook his head tiredly in response. Reaching out a hand, Jeongin pulled Seungmin out of the car and helped him up into the dorms.


An hour or so after the got into the dorm Jeongin had made some soup for Seungmin supposing it might help his body relax. He walked into the room to see Seungmin in the other boy's bed.

"Uhm.. did you get in the wrong bed..?" Jeongin asked. Seungmin shook his head and opened his mouth to respond.

"No I just wanted... to cuddle someone or something.. because of what happened.. I just need comfort I guess.." Jeongin stared at him. 'cuddle? me? why...? I thought he hated me.' Jeongin thought then simply nodded and moved himself beside Seungmin.

Seungmin sat up and carefully took the bowl of soup before spooning some up and eating it slowly. It was pretty silent until Jeongin broke the silence.

"I don't know if you want to talk about what happened or not, but what did happen in there..?" He asked, keeping a soft voice. Seungmin sipped the soup again and swallowed it before speaking.

"Well.. Nari had taken me up to a bedroom after the game... which I'm sorry I would've rather given you a hickey then go through that-" Seungmin cut himself off as his face turned red and Jeongin's eyes went a little bit wide. ".. anyways.." he continued. "I made out with Nari thinking everything would be okay.. but then we took a break and she prepped some whiskey for us.. that's when everything went wrong because she drugged me. She put something in my drink.. I don't exactly know what her plan was but she was close to basically raping me I think.. and then you came in and helped me. Im sorry you had to see me exposed like that.. I-" Jeongin cut Seungmin off as his speech got faster.

"It's okay.. don't apologize. Let's just get some sleep and rest in tomorrow." He smiled at Seungmin who had tears slightly streaming down his face, giving a weak smile back. Jeongin set the soup bowl on the nightstand and laid himself down, he let Seungmin wrap himself around him. Seungmin placed his head against Jeongin's chest as Jeongin slowly stroked his hair. Jeongin waited for Seungmin to fall asleep before drifting off to sleep himself.


seungmin woke up to find himself in the smaller boy's arms. Jeongin was still asleep, his hair was in front of his face. Gently, Seungmin moved it then cuddled into his arms more. For the first time in a while.. Seungmin felt safe.

Jeongin slowly opened his eyes and looked down at the boy in his arms who was looking at him with tired eyes. He smiled at Seungmin before speaking.

"Good morning." he said softly. Jeongin sat himself up more as Seungmin responded back with the same response. Seungmin was pushed out of Jeongin's arms but he quickly grabbed Jeongin's arm.

"Where are you going..?" Seungmin asked.

"To prep breakfast, It might take a little bit so you can sleep in or come help if you would like." Jeongin kindly offered. Seungmin removed his hand from the boy's arm. The other shrugged then walked off to the kitchen.

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