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Jeongin woke up in Seungmin's bed, he sat up and looked around for Seungmin. The mentioned boy was laying on the other side of the bed still asleep. Jeongin stood up and stumbled a bit but he caught his balance.

The kitchen lights made Jeongin's eye sight blurrier than they already were and he squinted as he walked to the living room to retrieve his glasses.

He picked the round glasses off the table and unfolded them then placed them on his face. He set out breakfast materials and got the stove ready then placed a pan on it. Before he started cooking he walked to the bathroom quickly to wash his hands and fix his hair.

Jeongin reached for the hairbrush and ran it through his hair. He could feel the small tangles break free as the hairbrush bristles ran through them. He set the brush down and looked in the mirror. The smile on his face faded once he realized 3 bruises on his neck and jawline.

His hand reached to his face as he touched it not noticing the pressure of his touch. He winced at the pain as it went from his neck to his feet.

"Fuck.." He swore and walked towards the shared room with Seungmin. Once he appeared in the doorway he called Seungmin's name but got no response. He put his hands on the other boy's shoulders and shook him.

"Seungmin, wake up." He pulled him up as he watched Seungmin's eyes open slowly.

"What the fuck do you want..?" He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"Excuse me?" Jeongin stepped back then looked at him.

"Oh shit. Sorry Innie.. What's up?" Seungmin looked at the hand covering Jeongin's neck and then at his face. "Something wrong?"

"Want to explain what happened last night because I have no memory of anything.." Jeongin removed his hand and revealed the fresh red and purple bruises. Seungmin's eyes widened and he put a hand over his mouth.

"Oh god..-" Seungmin stood and looked at the other's neck. "I'm sorry.. I got carried away.."

"No- It's fine.. I just kind of forgot what happened and I didn't expect marks..-" Jeongin was blushing.

"No I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry you probably didn't enjoy I-" Jeongin cut Seungmin off.

"I'm not saying I didn't.. I actually enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind if we did it again. Don't be sorry." Jeongin sat down and hugged Seungmin.

"...Okay..-" Seungmin leaned into Jeongin and took in his scent. He has a sweet smell to him. "You smell nice.." Seungmin dug his face into Jeongin's shirt more. Jeongin laughed.

"Strange, But I'll take it." Jeongin increased the pressure of the hug.

"yo-.. squishing me..-" Seungmin grunted until Jeongin released him from the hug. Seungmin breathed out and looked at Jeongin. His eyes automatically went to his lips. He shook his head and looked into his eyes.

"I saw that." He chuckled and moved Seungmin's bangs away from his forehead as he kissed it. His forehead was soft and the perfect landing for Jeongin's kiss. He pulled away until he realized he forgot about breakfast. "Oh shit.. I forgot about breakfast. I should go get started before it's too late."

Seungmin stood up and Jeongin followed. The fox boy began to walk away but Seungmin grabbed his hand. "Wait. I want to help make it." Jeongin looked back and smiled then responded.

"Of course. You're so soft when you're around me. How cute." He pulled Seungmin with him as they walked to the kitchen.

"Hey.. you're the bottom here." Seungmin smirked and it flustered Jeongin.

' 𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝔁... ' || 𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now