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a/n: I just wanna say.. yes Seungmin did NOT want to do things with Nari bc he also didn't exactly like her like that.. I don't know why he'll do it with Jeongin, or like idkdkdidid I just write but yeah 😭 I hope that makes kinda sense. Enjoy. Yes this is a smut chapter.

a/n 2 MONTHS LATER..: chat idk what i was on. fyi i know nothing about korean food i remember looking everything up so.. mb.

also idk what year Jeongin was in I think it was 11 so we are gonna say that 💀(I tried looking through the first 3 and didn't see anything so he's a year 11 now)


They both walked to a Korean bbq restaurant, holding hands as they did. Seungmin kept looking at the other. He knew he liked him, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Seungmin look!" Jeongin ran over to a Pokemon store. Fascination could be spotted all over the boy. It took a second for Seungmin to walk over, as Jeongin had sprinted. "Look at the Eevee plushie.. ugh. So cute!"

The elder walked watched him once again. He walked into the store and took the Eevee plush into his hands. His hand rotated the plush so it was looking at him.

"What are you doing?" The black haired boy appeared and asked. He tried removing the plush from Seungmin's hand but Seungmin moved it back.

"Buying it." He walked to the front counter as he was greeted by the person working. As he took out his wallet Jeongin was practically bouncing next to him so excited over the small toy.

Seungmin handed it off and Jeongin screamed. Arms wrapped around him before they could make it out of the store. Jeongin released him and ran down the sidewalk with the toy, hugging it.

Once Seungmin caught up again Jeongin was still excited. He grabbed onto Seungmin's shoulder.

"You don't understand how much I love this! I'm gonna sleep with it every night!" Jeongin gave it one last hug before putting it in his bag as they reached the restaurant.

They both got seated at a booth. Seungmin looked at the menu. All of the different foods sounded great to him. When he looked up he saw Jeongin also looking at the menu.

"What would you like to get?" He spoke out as he set the menu down then looked up once again waiting for a response from him.

"I was thinking we could do Korean tacos.. or we could just eat the meat and vegetables with dip for it. And for a side.. hmm I can choose between Kimchi or japchae.." Jeongin talked so quickly. Seungmin however found it cute, he laughed softly.

"Alright, I think the dipping sounds good to me. We should get Japchae just because there will be vegetables with the meat.. plus Japchae sounds so good right now..." As Seungmin replied Jeongin was so happy. After their discussion, before they ordered Jeongin brought up another side dish.

"What about rice with all of this? I think it would be a great idea, we could mix it, let sauce drop on it. Mm! sounds so good" Jeongin sat back and smiled. The other laughed once again.

"Sure, that sounds good." Seungmin held his smile. Moments later the waitress came up and they put in their order. It didn't take long before the food was out and ready. The aroma made both of the boys' mouths water. It felt so nice to smell fresh food.

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