Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: What is this, some kind of Mental Hospital Arc?

I groaned when I woke up, my body feeling like it got hit by multiple trucks. My vision flickered, unnaturally blurry, as I opened my eyes. I tried to sit up, but my weak body protested from the sudden exertion.

"You shouldn't try to sit up so soon," a voice said to me, easing me back into a lying position.

"W-Where... am I?" I croaked, my tongue feeling like sandpaper.

"The mental institution," the person said. It took me a while for my eyes to focus on them. It was a woman that looked like some kind of doctor or nurse.

"W-What? Why am I... here?" I wondered.

"You attempted suicide," she explained. "So you're here to recuperate both physically and mentally. We'll be giving you the help you need." She spoke in a warm and worrying tone.

"Wait? What?!" I suddenly exclaimed, sitting up despite the fact that it hurt like hell. "Listen here, I did not try to kill myself."

"You jumped off the school roof," she said cautiously. "There were eyewitness reports."

I facepalmed. "Surely you spoke with my family."

"We did. They said that you showed no signs of depression or suicidal tendencies. But it's common for teenagers to hide those feelings."

"No, I mean I was quoting Batman and I got too into the moment and—"

"We're here to help you."

"I was making a joke—"

"You are safe now."

"Can you let me fucking explain!" I damn near leapt to my feet.

"Patient is showing signs of distress and hysteria!" she suddenly yelled to some people outside. Multiple doctors showed up and settled me back into the bed. I was too weak to fight back. Suddenly, a pang of lethargy flowed through my body and I found my eyes closing without me willing them to. I realized that tubes were strapped to me, so the doctors must have given me a dose of sedatives.

The last words I said before drifting into my slumber were: "Oh fuck me in the ass—"


Time went by during my stay in the mental institution.

I really did not belong in here.

I blame Vali... Okay, maybe that wasn't fair. But I was pissed I had to stay here. This is what happens when I make a joke... Okay, normally jokes don't involve jumping off roofs, but you get what I mean.

After recovering from my injuries—it was a miracle I still lived—I had begun to get the "help" I supposedly needed. Those therapy sessions were long and tedious. No matter how many times I said, "I do not want to die, get me the hell out of here," they kept pressing me to talk about my life. Bitch, there's nothing to talk about.

So I created some random sob story.

"It all started when I found out my twin brother listens to those dommy mommy ASMR roleplays..."

Then I went on and on, spouting every scrap of random bullshit that came into my mind, weaving a spectacular work of fiction that existed at the level of William Shakespeare himself.

I almost laughed when the therapists actually took my story seriously.

A couple weeks after my "therapy" started, I was finally able to get visits.

Surprisingly, the first three people who visited me were Alice, Evelyn, and Trinity.

"Good to see you're alive, Y/N" Trinity smirked.

My Twin Brother is the Harem Protagonist? (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now