Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Ultimate Wingman
Third period English was as boring as always. I found myself dozing off, vaguely aware of the teacher glaring at me. I knew he has always had it out for me.

But I really didn't care.

I laid my head on my desk, slowly drifting off into the endless abyss of dreams.

Then a smack on my desk woke me up.

"What the hell?" I said groggily, looking up to see my teacher glaring down at me.

"Am I boring you, Y/N?"

"Yes, actually."

The teacher raised one eyebrow, as if impressed by my bluntness. "Stop sleeping and do your work."

I frowned and pointed at two girls who were sleeping. "And what about them?"

"They don't matter," he said firmly. "They did their work."

"Their papers are literally empty."

"They'll do their work."

Ah, so he was one of those teachers. I didn't really pay attention to it, but I guess he was easier on the girls than on the guys.

"Yeah, and I bet you want them to work on something else," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"


"Do your work."


He looked smug as he walked back to his desk.

While his back was turned, I said, "I hope you get caught and fired."

God, I hated that teacher. You know it was bad when even the Math teacher was better.

I finish the stupidly easy writing assignment in, like, seven minutes, placed it on his desk, and went back to sleep. I took extra pleasure at his outraged face when he realized there was nothing he could do about it.

Cry about it.


When lunch began, I noticed that it was just Vali at the table. His eyes lit up when he noticed me.

"Thank God, Y/N," he said, visibly relieved. "I need your help."

"With what?" I sat down next to him, curious.

Vali looked over my shoulder and said, "Can't tell you now. But I need to talk to you after school."

I looked behind me and saw Alice, Evelyn, Trinity, and Layla walking towards us. "Yeah, sure, I gotchu."

My brother smiled. "You're a lifesaver."

"That depends on what you ask me, I guess."

Our friends took their places at the table.

Immediately, Alice, Trinity, and Evelyn began to badger Vali, clearly eager to talk to him. Layla and I, as per usual, talked about the most random, out of pocket things.

"What would you do if you were suddenly turned into girl?" she asked.

"I would help out the homies."

She raised one eyebrow, clearly struggling not to laugh.

"Joking, obviously. What would you do if you were turned into a guy?"

Layla smirked. "I would see how big it is."

"That is unbelievably based, actually," I admitted. "I would play with my breasts just to see how it feels if I turned into a girl."

"Isn't that what every guy would do?"

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