Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: NERF Team Deathmatch

It was a normal day of highschool... well, normal for everyone else except for Vali.

He sat in his seventh period, sighing. As a guy, he was used to keeping his legs spread out while sitting. But he couldn't do that because of the maid outfit he was forced to wear. He thought dark thoughts.

"Damn my brother," he grumbled mentally. "This was revenge for making him insult our mom's cooking. I'm gonna have to get him back for this."

He heard Y/N's voice in his head, saying, "You won't do anything because you're a little bitch."

Y/N didn't even let him wear shorts underneath. That meant he had to bring his legs together so that no one could see under his skirt. He hated the outfit. But he lost a dare, so this was the recompence.

"Could he have chosen something less embarrassing?"

His classmates have given him snide comments. Some guys have said "game is game" in his ear. The girls all had teasing grins on his face. "I can get strapped up, if you'd like," one said. It didn't take a genius—no matter how dense one is—to figure what she meant.

Vali was ready for this day to end.


"That was the longest day of my life," Vali sighed in relief as he walked out of school with his girlfriends

Alice had an amused smile on his face. "You knew Y/N would find a way to pay you back tenfold."

"You're supposed to be on my side!"

"You don't look bad in a maid outfit," Alice giggled teasingly.

"It's only one day," Evelyn reasoned. "You're free from that now."

"Suck it up," Trinity smirked. "Just pay him back. Hell, I'll even help you."

Vali shook his head. "Well, it's over now."

"Can we come over to your house?" Alice asked.

Vali thought about that. "Our cousin is over. He and Y/N want to do a three-night sleepover." He yawned. "Didn't let me sleep."

Trinity raised one eyebrow. "Why?"

"Shenanigans," Vali said wryly.


Last night

Two voices woke Vali up from his slumber. He sat up, yawning groggily. "What the hell are they doing?"

It sounded like singing. He frowned at that. "Since when do they sing?"

He got up from his bed and walked over to his door. Muffled singing rang from the living room downstairs. The light from the TV shone from all the way there, seeping through the seam under his door.

Vali grumbled and walked out of his room, creeping downstairs. Y/N and Heleakala did not notice him approaching—they were too focused on whatever game they were playing. He took a peek at them and TV. What he saw confused them...

They were playing Just Dance on the Wii.

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy!" Y/N and Heleakala sung while dancing, their Wii remotes in hand.

"But here's my number, so call me, maybe."

"It's hard to look right at you, baby."

"But here's my number, so call me, maybe."

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