Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Do NOT Take a Harem Protagonist to the Mall

At the lunch table, all of us checked the collage of the most beautiful girls in school.

"Obviously I was the real winner because I'm in every picture," I said, glaring at my phone screen.

"I can't tell if you're joking or if you're still mad about having to take pictures with every girl on the list," Vali said, nervous sweat trickling down his face.

"But these are very good pictures, Y/N," Alice said.

"I don't look bad, at least," Trinity commented.

"Good job, Y/N!" Evelyn.

"You all look nice," Vali agreed with a smile.

Alice, Trinity, and Evelyn all blushed as he gave them a compliment.

I looked at Layla, rolling my eyes, as if to say "This guy."

She stuck her tongue out at me with an amused twinkle.

"By the way, who did you vote for, Y/N?" she asked, curiously.


Layla suddenly burst out laughing.

"I'm being serious!"

She stopped laughing and looked at me, one eyebrow raised. "Really?"

I went back to the results and scrolled all the way down. My picture was there, and I had approximately one vote.

Yeah, that one vote was me.

"Why did you enter?" Layla tilted her head.

"Because it's funny."

"Yeah, true," she let out another laugh.


All of us met up after school. We were about to walk home, when Evelyn suddenly perked up.

"Guys, what if we go to the mall?"

"That's a good idea," Alice agreed with a smile.

"Sure!" Trinity grinned.

The three looked at Vali, clearly waiting for his opinion.

"Well, I don't see why not," he lightly smiled. They all beamed happily. "What you two?" he asked us.

I shrugged. "I don't mind tagging along."

"Sweet," Layla said. "I'm in, too."

"Then let's go!" Evelyn cheerfully led us toward the mall.

"Someone's excited," Vali commented with a soft smile.

"I love the mall," Evelyn looked back at Vali, flushing but smiling.

"Hey, me too!" Alice caught up to them, standing at the other side of Vali.

"Don't forget about me!" Trinity rushed to catch up to them.

"We don't need to be so competitive, guys," Vali said, smiling charmingly at them.

"Oh brother," I sighed, staying behind with Layla.

She wryly smiled. "How does it feel being twin brothers with the Main Character?"

I shrugged. "Annoying sometimes. But I love Vali to death and I'm glad he actually has some rizz."

"Trin's never been one to be boy crazy," Layla explained, smiling dryly. "For a while I thought she liked girls."

I looked at Layla, a question forming inside my head. "Is she going to become interested in Vali or not?"

My Twin Brother is the Harem Protagonist? (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now