Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: My Cousin Lied to Me! There are no Goth Girls Here!

A month passed since I was put in the mental hospital. And in that month, insanity began to clutch at my mind.

"I'm so bored," I groaned, leaning back on my bed. There wasn't even a TV, because it might "trigger more suicidal tendencies." Seriously, shut the fuck up.

I waited for long hours, staring at the ceiling, thinking of all the videogames I could be playing.

All of this just because I jumped off a building? What a drag.

When lunchtime came, the door opening snapped me out of my reverie. I expected the nurse to come in with a tray of food, but instead, she said gently, "Come, Y/N, we figured it's just about time to let you eat at the cafeteria."

"The cafeteria?"

She smiled. "Yes. We decided that socializing with fellow patients may help with your treatment."

That's when I noticed how young the nurse was. If Vali was here instead of me, he might have made her fall for him. But since I'm not the Main Character, that isn't going to happen to me—not that I want to, mind you. I don't want to get somebody put into jail over some stupid anime trope.

"Okay, sure," I shrugged and stood up, walking toward the doorway.

The nurse led me across a corridor littered with rooms that presumably belonged to other patients. Other nurses led more patients around and about. I noticed that the other patients were either children or teenagers like me.

After two minutes of walking, we entered a cafeteria with many rows of tables and a gap between them that allowed you to walk through. Sure enough, all the kids sitting in the tables were in fact my age, give or take.

"Heleakala told me there are goth girls in mental hospitals," I thought, remembering what my cousin told me years ago. He's been in quite a few mental hospitals before. He is what some people may call a "delinquent." And yes, it was a joke.

Which begs the question, why the fuck aren't the genders separated here? What the fuck type of cliche was this? This was a disaster waiting to happen. What would they do if the Main Character was here?

I almost sighed. Why am I the only self-aware one?

"Here we are," the nurse said softly. "Go on, find a table to sit and someone will bring you a tray."

I sighed and began walking through the seam between the tables, scanning the faces of the kids I passed by. A lot of them had eyes that looked... dead. Even when they looked at me, their faces were blank. Others look unnaturally feral or confused about their surroundings. It made me a bit sad for them. I wonder what happened to make these kids so disturbed.

Eventually I stopped at an empty-looking table and plopped down, sighing for the umpteenth time.

Not even a moment later, a soft voice said from behind me, "Y/N? Is that... is that you?"

I turned and saw a girl with steel-blue hair staring at me with wide eyes, her orbs shining with an emotion I couldn't recognize. She looked about my age, I suppose.

 She looked about my age, I suppose

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