How I see MB (Mindless behavior rant)

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There has been alot of drama in TM, for example people are saying that Ray Ray is starting to change, and he's starting to get big headed. I just wanted to let y'all know how I see them. That has to do with the story too, because I will try to make the personalities of MB and the OMG Girlz as real as possible. And since I don't know them I have to create their personalities with what I hear on interviews, and how they are on IG and stuff. So this is more to clear things up in the story, but it is also because I have the feeling people are starting to get the wrong image of especially Ray Ray, to me he's kinda misunderstood. Here it goes:

Ray Ray: Ray Ray seems the type who is a sweetheart, but the thing is he is really blunt. He Always says what he thinks, and that sometimes gets him in trouble. Some jokes that he makes can be mean because of that. He'll Always speak his mind, and he loves the fans. Alot of TM is or was at a point mad at him because of the situation of him and Star... Well what I think is that  Ray Ray is the type of person who'll get really mad if you disrespect him or his loved ones, and what had happened is TM disrespected Star. He got mad about that and he let his anger get the best of him. I understand that. Maybe some of y'all don't like them dating, because he is your favorite or whatever, but the truth is: WE DON'T GET TO DECIDE ALL THAT. We have nothing to do with who they date, or what they do on their off time. Please y'all, you don't necesarilly have to love this couple, but please please please don't go hating on Star. Don't go hating on Ray Ray. We are fans, We are here to support them and to inspire them. If you are really a fan it shouldn't even matter who he dates, it should be about the group, and you loving their music. He's not affraid to be himself, if you don't like whoever that is, then go fuck yourself (excuse my language). You could call Ray Ray the bad boy of the group. He does what he wants, but usually knows his limits. When Ray Ray's sad, he likes to go to the beach, or draw, or eat taco's. He draws amazing portrets, I just now saw the drawing he made of Rihanna. It was soo good I didn't know he was that talented. I could go on and on and on about him. Please, don't dislike Ray Ray because he sometimes talks before he thinks, he is a great performer, and a great human being really, he's just sometimes misunderstood.

Prodigy: Prodigy used to be really shy, but he was Always confident, I say used to be, because he got over that, you can see it in interviews too. When he's around his family and friends he is the most comfortable thoug. He may not seem like it but he's really goofy, he just takes his job seriously. When he is on his off time best believe he aint that serious. Prodigy is kind of the definition of a gentleman. He's a so well raised young man it's really hard to find such sweet boys nowadays, He'll never disrespect a woman. Opposite to Ray Ray he Always thinks about what he's gonna say. As for Prodigy, I think he's so undervalued. Alot of fans are like: Prodigy is sooo ugly but I love Princeton. PLEAASSEE DO NOT DO THAT. for one there is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING ugly about that boy. He is beautiful inside and out. Second of all he deserves wayyy more respect than what he gets. Prodigy sings lead in every single song, he dances amazingly, and Always makes sure TM gets a great show. Why in the world would you not acknowledge him. Without him Mindless Behavior wouldn't be half as good as they are now, The same for the other members, they belong in MB. In my oppinion TM needs to stop hating on them especially Prod because if you truly dislike him that much it's kinda weird that you have their album's. I mean the person you dislike sings lead on ever song. Right?

Princeton: This boy right here is something else. He's very enthiusastic about everything really. He's a people's person and he'll get along with everyone. He's such a charmer too. Princeton is very different from everybody else and he loves it. He loves being a misfit, he loves spreading peace. He sometimes think he's a lil' bad boy, that's his punk/rocker side. He likes to hink hat he's a badboy but in all honestly he isn't. Princeton is a sweetheart, he allways want to make his fans happy. He hates to see a fan cry, he'd much rather put a smile on our faces. He runs track on his off time. He is VERY talkative, thats sometimes a goodthing, but sometimes a bad thing too. For example when he's really enthusiastic, he talks without thinking. He'll say things in interviews he isn't aloud to say. In every Boyband, no in every stars' life there are some things their management doesn't want the fans to know. Princeton usually is the one to swerve questions like: what is your real name. He'll start talking about something else, or he'll star talking ALOT to cover up that question. He's  all about positive energy and you can tell by just looking at him. He has made it very clear too that he thinks school is very important. He is ALL about family. He doesn't have any siblings, but he has tons of nephews and nieces, so he loves being around family on hit off time too. Princeton is just a ball of energy, and Positiveness, and TALENT. Princeton knows how to dance alot of styles, he knows Jazz, Balet, Hip hop. He had a full dance scholarship at Debbie Allen Dance Academy, but he got chosen for Mindless Behavior.

Roc Royal: Where do I start with this boy? Roc Royal Is CRAZY. That's one of the first words I can come up with about him. Roc is often the underdog of the group, since he didn't know how to dance when he first joined the group, but look at him now. I kinda have the feeling MB saved his life. The reason why I say that is because Roc grew up in the ghetto, he said in an interview that he was glad he made it, because before MB he started going on the wrong path, since that's what his friends did too. Wich brings me to the next quality of Roc: He is fearless. He's a dare devil. Of course he has fears too, but what I mean with that is that he doesn't let his fears stop him. He'll Always follow his dreams even when other people tell him he can't do it. He loves to box, he LOVES animals, that's his Royal side. He absolutely LOVES animals, and another thing now I came to that point. DONT CHANGE YOURSELF FOR MB. OKAY Roc Royal LOVES animals, I've been scared to animals my entire life and I'm not gonna pretend like I love animals just because Roc does. Roc even has 4 pittbuls and dogs are my BIGGEST fear. Same as when Ray Ray said he doesn't like a girl with ALOT of colors in her hair (Wich didn't make sense at all since Zonnique has them :s) I've Always had colors in my hair. I'm not gonna pretend like I think I'm too old for them now, just because Ray Ray said it. I'm gonna be myself, now that is MINDLESS.

I know some of y'all tough thid was really irrelevant, but I really needed to get some stuff off my chest, It's based on their real life's, but I'ts also how they are in the story. I'm trying for y'all to get to know their personalities in the story so y'all understand their choice's in the story. I'm sorry if y'all think this was a waste of time I just felt like I needed to share my piece of mind with y'all. If ya'll want I can make a version in wich I only describe them in the story without ranting about their personal life, or I can make one of the OMG Girlz. All you have to do is leave a comment.

Oh AND I have a story in wich I only make oneshots, about MB, The OMG Girlz, Diggy Simmons, Jacob Latimore, and alot more and I take requests for them. So If you want a oneshot of your favorite artist just go to that story and leave a comment there.

Ps. A special thanks to everyone who's been voting and commenting on my stories, y'all really make my day when I'm down I really appreciate it!!xx

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