Chapter 5

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'We can't go public, I'm sorry. I'll call you later, I'm kinda busy  right now. Love u bae." I read on my Phone.

"You know I love Nique,  but she's playing you dawg. Forreal man you're her bitch, she's trynna keep you on the low." Roc tells me.

"Nigga it ain't like that'." I try to defend my girl, even tho I know he's right

"It ain't like that? Dang, this chick don't even acknowledge you. I wouldn't say this if it ain't tru but nigga she's playin you."

"Aye you need to mind your fucking busness.'' I say getting annoyed. Don't he think I know? I fucking love Zonnique man I love her. Forreal I don't usually do all this.  I'm usually not the one   women type of guy but I can be for her. All I'm asking from her is to grow some balls and just get this over with. I mean I'm done with the kid games man I'm over it, but she's still playing.  The only reason I'm still with her is because I don't wanna see no other nigga with my girl.

"I'm just looking out for you bro."

"You should be lookin after yourself, what Bre gon' say when she hears you trynna break her best friends' relay up." I smirk

"Psshh Bre? She aint gon' say nun. I run things.'' I chuckle.

"Nigga you a lie.  You know she'll have yo ass running.'' He laughs 

"You're probably right. Man when did our lives became so serious."

"When we fell for them trouble making ass girls." It's true tho. I feel like I have to look after Nique. You know how hard that is when she has all this random ass guys trynna get with her? And on top of that I can't even claim her cus we ain't public. We've been legit, for like 7 months, but we was talking before we was boyfriend and girlfriend. To be honest I don't know if Zonnique and me will last, I don't regret nothing tho. If we don't make it then we don't, and I'll move on, but I wanna make it. I dig that chick man. I mean she bad as fuck, the way she moves, the way she walks can drive me crazy. But it ain't even all about her looks. She gets me. We both into art, I draw, and she photographs alot on her off time. She Always carry's a professional camera with her. She holds me down, she never lets me get too big headed.

"Aye I gotta go call my girl bro." Roc says while standing up.

"Nigga she got yo ass whipped."

"At least I get it in." He smirks. I suck my teeth. I've been having blue balls the last 9 months, even tho we've only been dating 7 months I didn't  wanna hurt Nique by fucking other women when we was talking.

"Aye I'm gonna call Bre aight." Hee stands up and daps me. Then he walks out. Now I have time to think, I'm never really alone so I kinda like it when I am.  There is Always someone to chill with. Roc, Prince, or Prod, Myles, Walter, Kenneth, Kiesha i'm just never alone.

I never regret nothing I say or do that's my motto, but I really don't know the deal with Zonnique. And to be honest I'm getting real tired of this shit. I didn't even bother to text her no more. I mean I love her but I really don't wanna have anything to do with her right now. I ain't about to get played, I don't go down like that.  I mean she's 18 years old, and she isn't allowed to date what kinda bullshit is that. The more I think about it the madder I get.

Zonnique POV:

"Why isn't Ray Ray answering any of my texts. I mean I know he busy but they was supposed to land like 2 hours ago and he didn't even call me."

"He didn't? I called Roc before he went on the plane, we had alot to talk about.." Bre says looking kinda sad. I don't aks her whatsup because these are relationship problems I ain't about to get involved if I don't have to.

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