Chapter 7: Jungkook-twenty-four

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After nearly two years of service in the Air Force and two years of "finding himself," Jungkook returns to his home in Seoul. His initial plan was to return as soon as his mandatory two years were up. However, he had already decided to stay with family in Busan and start school there after completing his military service. Deep down, he knew he was running away from his problems, but he wasn't ready to face them at the time.

It was too soon.

Now, nearly four years later, he's ready to return. Back home, to divorced parents, his mother abandoned by his cheating father. Back home, where his eldest hyung wouldn't be waiting for him, no more trips to museums or visits to parks with wildflowers swaying in the wind. Back home to his two best friends, who loved each other so much that they moved in together as soon as their own mandatory enlistments were fulfilled.

Luckily for them, Taehyung and Namjoon's parents moved out of the country and left them the apartment. Jimin didn't waste any time moving in and making a home for them. Obviously, Jungkook is happy for them, but he wishes he was just as happy in his own life.

A little over two years ago, Jimin and Taehyung told Jungkook about Namjoon's intention to enlist early, wanting to get it over with. He's been anticipating the moment when he'd eventually see him again—confronting the feelings he's been trying so hard to avoid by drowning them in liquor and men.

Now, bundled up against the cool evening air, he readjusts his bag over his shoulder and makes his way back to the home he left behind years ago. Up three flights of stairs and across the hall filled with so many memories.

As he knocks on his door, he turns around and notices that it is unusually quiet inside Taehyung and Jimin's apartment. Because he had told them he was coming home, he assumed the giggle twins would be waiting for him outside, but no one was there to greet him.

Feeling a little disappointed, Jungkook assumes that they're having a date night and will visit the next day. Hopefully. He knocks again, this time louder, when the door flies open, startling him.


Jungkook's eyes widen as he takes everything in. Disoriented by the onslaught of noise, he looks around to see Jimin and Taehyung standing by the door, grinning widely as they clap and jump around in excitement. His mother quickly approaches him, high-pitched shrieks reverberating around him from the noisemaker between her lips. He smiles widely, realizing what's happening. She claps joyously before yanking him into a tight hug. The comfort of his mother's arms that he sought for so long engulfs him, swaddling him in her warmth.

"I've missed you, my beautiful boy," she whispers, and Jungkook shuts his eyes as tears well up.

He's missed his mother so much. When he found out about the divorce, he wanted to come back and be with her, but she wouldn't let him, insisting that Jungkook focus on himself. So he remained in Busan to finish his two years at the community college after she reassured him she would be fine on her own. At the time, she was contemplating moving back to Busan anyway and would soon be making the necessary arrangements to leave in a few weeks.

It was a bittersweet feeling to return home when his mother was returning to hers.

"Your hair!" Jimin cries out as Jungkook's mother pulls away from him and takes his jacket and bags. Jimin and Taehyung rush in to embrace him, their hands carding through his hair, amazed at how different he looks after four years. His hair is longer, now styled with an undercut and pushed back on one side. "It looks good on you."

"Thanks," Jungkook says with a pleased smirk, cracking his knuckles and feeling pride surge through him.

"Damn, you look hot," Taehyung chimes in. He reaches out and begins to grope his pecs and arms. "Kook, you're all muscle-y. Even more than before."

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