Chapter 2: Jungkook-seventeen

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School was out for the summer.

And although they were in different grades, Jungkook's first year in a new city and a new school went well with Taehyung by his side. Lucky enough to share a lunch period, they also managed to squeeze in brief conversations between classes before rushing off to the next one.

With Taehyung's encouragement, he's also made small talk with a few students at school, albeit with nervous sweat running down his back. He didn't have much of a choice, Taehyung seemed to know everyone at school. Around every corner, someone wanted to stop and talk to him.

Whenever Jungkook thought he could blend into the background and simply nod along without saying anything, Taehyung would include him in the conversation with an eager smile so that Jungkook would have no choice but to respond.

Despite Jungkook's initial anxiety, by the end of the school year, he was confidently carrying on conversations all by himself, with Taehyung beaming like a proud father beside him. Taehyung played a big role in Jungkook's ever-growing confidence.

However, Taehyung has recently graduated, which will leave Jungkook alone at the school from now on. "Don't worry, Jungkook-ah. "Everyone likes you," Taehyung tried to soothe as they walked back home one day before the school year ended. Jungkook wasn't happy, but it's not like he could do anything about it.

Now it's the beginning of a hot, lazy summer in July. The sickly-sweet strawberry popsicles they consume like water (Taehyung's favorite flavor, and he refuses to eat any other) give little reprieve to their sticky and sweaty bodies the sweltering heat brings on.

The heat may be unbearable, but on the bright side, it gives Namjoon an excuse to show off his toned arms and massive thighs by wearing tank tops and tiny biker shorts.

And Jungkook will gladly take that as consolation for the heat.

They're all hanging out in Taehyung and Namjoon's living room on a Friday night, surrounded by popsicle sticks, sodas, and pizza. The Kim parents are out for the evening when Taehyung decides he wants to celebrate the start of summer with a movie night.

Summer break for Namjoon means he's back at home after his semester at SNU, which unfortunately means Eunji is too.

Taehyung and Jungkook sit on the floor with their backs to the sofa, facing the coffee table; Jungkook finishes off his popsicle while Taehyung scans through movie options. Namjoon and Eunji sit on the loveseat beside them-well, Eunji sits in Namjoon's lap, with Jungkook trying not to throw daggers her way. They've been bickering non-stop about some party she wants him to go to.

"Namjoon," Eunji whines.

Taehyung and Jungkook exchange looks, both fighting back giggles. She's been at it for about a half-hour now, while Namjoon shows no interest, and her nasally voice is starting to grate on Jungkook's nerves.

It has nothing to do with the fact that she's Namjoon's girlfriend. Not really.

"Joon-ah," she tries again more sweetly as she bats her mascara-fused eyelashes at him. "Please? I was hoping you'd come with me." Eunji pouts, and Jungkook scrunches his nose.

"I'm tired," Namjoon says, blinking slowly. "I was looking forward to a quiet night at home."

Eunji sighs dejectedly, her shoulders slumping.

"I'll make it up to you, okay?" Namjoon says softly, flashing his girlfriend a small smile.

And Jungkook has to look away as a cold, heavy lump forms in his chest.

Yet as he glances back because he can never not look at Namjoon and his dimples, they lock eyes.

Namjoon looks surprised at first, but his smile quickly grows, and Jungkook's heart thaws. Jungkook blinks rapidly, ducking his head to hide a smile between his teeth. With his gaze fixed on the popsicle stick he's been twirling between his fingers, he feels the start of a flush creeping up his face.

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