Chapter 5: Jungkook-twenty

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Jungkook is in heaven.

Jungkook ceased to exist and is now floating with angels in the skies. At least that's what it feels like around Namjoon. It's their last night before they return home, and Jungkook already feels a little down that they have to leave. More like a lot down. He's had the best time in New York City, and it's all because of Namjoon. Because he made his small, insignificant dreams come true.

They're sitting across from each other at a nice restaurant that Namjoon insisted on for Jungkook's birthday dinner. "Hyung, we could've had pizza and I would've been happy," Jungkook says, pushing his plate away, stuffed. "You didn't need to bring me here. How much more are you going to spend on me?"

"Now he says this," Namjoon quips, rolling his eyes. Jungkook narrows his own, and Namjoon laughs. "Joking. I'm joking," he says, raising his hands defensively.

Jungkook feels guilty about having Namjoon pay for everything. The trip and the birthday gifts from last night were more than he could have asked for. After receiving them, Jungkook couldn't stop thanking Namjoon. This morning, he made sure to put them safely away, vowing to buy a special frame to display his signed comic book. It wasn't something he was expecting, but it wasn't a total shock that Namjoon knew about his favorite comic. He's always been like that, Namjoon. Constantly on the lookout for Jungkook, making sure he was comfortable and had everything he needed, whether it was an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on.

They fell asleep that night while talking on Namjoon's bed. Wrapped around each other, warmth seeped into their bones and made a home there until the following morning. It was the first time they'd done that, sleeping in the same bed, and it felt nice. They woke up slowly, eyes fluttering open. Everything felt syrupy sweet—sticky skin, unsticking, and tangled limbs, untangling. The sweetness of the night before lingered between them in puffy faces, messy hair, and shy smiles.

Following a birthday call with his mother that morning, they called Jimin and Taehyung to update them on their trip. Jungkook gushed about the presents Namjoon gave him while Jimin snickered and made sly remarks in the background. "Wow, hyung! Anyone would think you two were dating or something." Jungkook practically heard the smirk in Jimin's lilted voice.

He blushed profusely as he plotted Jimin's death and Taehyung chatted excitedly with Namjoon. But when their eyes met, Namjoon's face was flushed pink. It was cute. Before killing Jimin, Jungkook thought that he should probably thank him for drawing the blush from Namjoon.

Butterflies make themselves known, flapping wildly in Jungkook's stomach as he thinks about everything from that morning.

He comes out of his thoughts a little breathless, his cheeks feeling warm when he sees Namjoon smiling at him. He clears his throat before continuing with his rant. "I'm serious. Don't buy me anything else. You're cut off! No, wait—I'm cut off." Jungkook crosses his arms in front of him to emphasize his point. He can't have Namjoon spoiling him more than he is now, even if he is enjoying it. Even if Jungkook enjoys Namjoon's eyes lighting up when he sees Jungkook happy.

Namjoon snorts. "Well, one more thing won't hurt. You still need to eat," he shrugs as he sips his wine. "Besides, it's your birthday. What was I supposed to do, not celebrate it?"

With his gaze following Namjoon's hand as he places the wine glass back down, Jungkook leans back in his seat with a pout. "It stinks that I can't legally drink in the States. It's my birthday," he says the last bit loudly, making the other customers snap their heads around to stare at him. A blush makes its way across his cheeks as he slumps down on his chair.


Namjoon chuckles, lightly pressing his foot against Jungkook's to comfort him. "When we get home, we can drink together. You're an old fart in Korea now, and it's finally legal for you to drink there."

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