Chapter 8: Jungkook

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"So your boy is going to be there," Minjoon states with a mischievous smirk.

Jungkook gives him an unimpressed look, fixing his hair probably for the thousandth time since he got home and told Minjoon what happened. "He's not my boy, but yeah, he is." The reality that he will soon be in close proximity to Namjoon has him feeling a little foggy, as if he were in a fever dream. He'll be there with Minjoon. Namjoon and Minjoon. Minjoon and Namjoon. And him. Together.

Jungkook groans. This was a bad idea. A really bad idea. What was he thinking when he thought he could make Namjoon jealous?

He didn't even have to bring it up to Minjoon. As soon as Jungkook told him what was happening, Minjoon offered to be extra touchy just to incite a reaction from Namjoon. Needless to say, Jungkook readily agreed. That is, until the more he thought about it, the more foolish he felt. One of the last things Namjoon ever told him is seared into his mind.

I'm not gay.

It's pointless to even try to make him jealous. Minjoon rolled his eyes and scoffed at the notion that Namjoon wasn't at least bisexual. Any man who sleeps with another man and likes it isn't straight, honey.

"Hey." Minjoon approaches Jungkook and stands next to him, resting his chin on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist. "It'll be okay."

Jungkook leans into Minjoon's arms with a half-hearted smile. Standing in front of the wall mirror in his bedroom, Jungkook thinks they look good together, eliciting a sudden wave of longing that washes over him. Why couldn't he just fall in love with Minjoon? He's a great guy, very attractive, and maybe he can admit that Minjoon does kind of look like Namjoon, just slightly leaner and shorter, his features soft around the edges. It would've been so much easier.

They look at each other in the reflection, Minjoon sporting a soft smile that makes his dimple pop, while Jungkook rests his head on Minjoon's, a look of defeat marring his face. "I don't know what I'm doing."

"Of course you do. Listen, all we have to do is play it up around him for a bit, and whatever happens, happens," Minjoon says with a shrug of his left shoulder. "If you want to stop, or..." he says with a playful lilt to his voice, "if you want to leave with him—"

"Ugh, that's not gonna happen," Jungkook says, talking over Minjoon and walking away to sit on his bed.

"—just let me know, and poof, I'll vanish," Minjoon finishes with a snap of his fingers.

Jungkook exhales roughly before he stands up. "Okay. Fine. Let's get it!"

"Yeah?" Minjoon asks wearily. "We don't have—"

With a pointed look aimed at Mijoon, Jungkook starts walking away towards the living room to put his shoes on. "You're going to ask me that after giving that little pep talk?"

"Just making sure you're actually good and not just saying you are."

"I am. I've got this. It's just Namjoon," Jungkook says. "Besides, I do miss him, so maybe this will be our chance to be friends again." Smiling, he reaches for his leather jacket, puts it on, and turns to Minjoon with his hand held out. "Ready?"

With a smile and a nod, Minjoon grabs his hand before they head out.

The nightclub Jimin chooses to celebrate their graduation is a gay club in the heart of Itaewon—because, of course, it had to be a gay club. Euphoria is teeming with Koreans and foreigners alike. Jungkook and Minjoon squeeze through the crowd to reach Jimin and Taehyung at the bar.

As he draws nearer, Jungkook spots Namjoon sitting to Jimin's right with Hoseok at his side, talking animatedly, and his stomach swoops at the sight of him. He must've stalled or something because Minjoon gives him a comforting squeeze of the hand, which helps ground him again. Jungkook returns the gesture, flashing him a grateful grin.

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